Is a Mini Facelift Right for You?

Aging is a fact of life; you cannot stop the process but that doesn’t mean there aren’t ways to slow down the appearance of aging on your face. There are many cosmetic procedures that can treat lines, wrinkles and sagging skin/tissue. One option is the mini facelift. It is important to understand what this procedure can do, and what it does not. Here are some basics on a mini facelift and what you can expect.

For one, not all mini facelifts are the same. Each plastic surgeon may have a slightly different approach to this procedure. However, it usually involves lifting and tightening the jowls, neckline and check area. This can help with the following aging issues in the lower face:

  • Deep nasolabial folds around the nose and mouth
  • Bags under the eyes due to sagging cheek pads
  • Smoothing lines around the mouth, nose and neckline
  • Tightening jowls and improving definition in the cheeks and chin areas

Mini facelifts are designed for those who are just beginning to have sagging and lines in the lower face region and usually has less downtime than a full facelift. It does not generally address the brow or eyes. However, it can be combined with other cosmetic procedure that work on specific areas in the higher portions of the face. Those with more progressed aging may want to consider a full or deep plane facelift that is designed to have a more overall effect on the face.

To find out if a mini facelift is right for you, it is best to meet with a qualified plastic surgeon that offers this procedure. They can discuss what results you can expect and advise you on whether this procedure will give you the look you desire.

Posted on behalf of:
Kalos Facial Plastic Surgery LLC
5670 Peachtree Dunwoody Road Northeast #910
Atlanta, GA 30342
(404) 936-6665

Could You Benefit from a Cosmetic Lip Lift?

When it comes to facial cosmetic procedures, many people focus on the eyes, brow, nose or even cheeks. But what about your lips? Like the rest of the face, your skin around your mouth can lose its firmness as you age, changing the shape and adding wrinkles around your lips. Some people have a downward sag on the corners of their mouths that make them look sad or angry when they are not actively smiling. There are two versions of lip lifts that are most commonly used to improve this important area on the face.

  • Upper lip. A lift of the upper lip can alter the shape of the mouth and help restore a fuller appearance. This procedure can be tailored to the patient’s needs. For some, this surgery is used to reduce the appearance of an upper lip that is too long or covers too much of the top teeth.
  • Corner mouth. Correcting a mouth with a permanent downward position is one of the more popular lip lifts. A small incision is made at each corner of the mouth to give the patient a slightly upturned position, so instead of looking sad, they look happy. It offers a more youthful appearance as this small frown lines are associated with aging.

If your lips or mouth have changed as you have aged, a lip lift can improve the appearance of your mouth to look fuller and more youthful. A lip lift can also be used for anyone desiring to change the shape of their lips or mouth shape. To learn more, contact an experienced facial plastic surgeon for a consultation.

Posted on behalf of
Kalos Facial Plastic Surgery LLC
5670 Peachtree Dunwoody Road Northeast #910
Atlanta, GA 30342
(404) 936-6665

Which Wrinkle Filler or Injectable Filler is Best For You?

If you’ve been contemplating a filler to smooth your wrinkles or decrease signs of aging, you might be a bit overwhelmed by the number of options available. In just a few short years, the market has expanded greatly and now there are treatments for every type and level of skin issues.  

In an attempt to help you find the right product to suit your needs, we have compiled a list of the most commonly used facial fillers, followed by a brief description: 

Botox: Botox is technically a muscle relaxer, not a filler. Made from botulinum toxin, it is generally used to smooth a furrowed brow or laugh lines around the mouth. Botox generally works well on patients with early signs of aging, lasting up to eight months before another treatment is needed. 

Dysport: For those who experience an allergic reaction to Botox, Dysport, a newer product made from a a different concentration of the same neurotoxin, is a good alternative. Studies have been inconclusive about whether Botox or Dysport produces better results. 

Juvederm: Used mainly to soft laugh lines, Juvederm belongs to a family of fillers made of hyaluronic acid, a natural substance found on the skin of mammals. Results usually last about a year. 

Restylane and Perlane: Also made from hyaluronic acid, these are other brands of the filler used to treat deep lines and wrinkles. Results last six months to one year. 

Radiesse: Radiesse belongs to yet another family of fillers distinguished by their synthetic ingredients, in this case, calcium hydroxylapatite. Radiesse is used to treat deep wrinkles, with long lasting results and possibly long term improvements. 

Sculptra: Another member of the synthetic filler family, Sculptra is generally used to treat HIV patients who have lost facial structure. Results last about a year. 

Belotero: Belotero is one of the newest fillers to be approved for use by the Food and Drug Administration. Part of the hyaluronic acid family, it is used to treat moderate to severe wrinkles with natural and long lasting results. It is sometimes used in conjunction with Botox.

Posted on behalf of Benjamin Stong, MD, Kalos Facial Plastic Surgery, LLC 



Men and women alike are often unhappy with the appearance of their nose and want to improve it by getting a “nose job”.  Actually the correct terminology is rhinoplasty, which can dramatically impact the appearance of any nose by removing a hump, altering the angle of the upper lip and nose, altering the tip of the nose, reducing the width of the nostrils, increasing or decreasing the size and modifying the bridge of the nose. 

During the initial consultation, the surgeon will determine if the procedure will be a revision, open or closed rhinoplasty.  The determination is based upon the patient’s previous cosmetic surgery, as well as the patients desired results and the experience of the highly trained surgeon.  Revision rhinoplasty is performed on patients who have previously undergone the procedure, but were unhappy with the results. 

During an open structure rhinoplasty, there is a small incision made on the outside of the nose on the columella, which is the part of the nose that divides the nostrils.  This is the best way for the surgeon to gain the best access to the structures within the nose.  In closed rhinoplasty, which is also known as endonasal, incisionless or scarless rhinoplasty, the surgeon makes the incisions on the inside of the nose, so there are no visible external incisions.  However, there are limitations to what can be accomplished with closed rhinoplasty and it requires a highly experienced surgeon to perform the procedure correctly! 

There is no need to live with a nose that you are unhappy with when a highly trained cosmetic surgeon can transform the appearance of your nose thru various rhinoplasty techniques!