
Men and women alike are often unhappy with the appearance of their nose and want to improve it by getting a “nose job”.  Actually the correct terminology is rhinoplasty, which can dramatically impact the appearance of any nose by removing a hump, altering the angle of the upper lip and nose, altering the tip of the nose, reducing the width of the nostrils, increasing or decreasing the size and modifying the bridge of the nose. 

During the initial consultation, the surgeon will determine if the procedure will be a revision, open or closed rhinoplasty.  The determination is based upon the patient’s previous cosmetic surgery, as well as the patients desired results and the experience of the highly trained surgeon.  Revision rhinoplasty is performed on patients who have previously undergone the procedure, but were unhappy with the results. 

During an open structure rhinoplasty, there is a small incision made on the outside of the nose on the columella, which is the part of the nose that divides the nostrils.  This is the best way for the surgeon to gain the best access to the structures within the nose.  In closed rhinoplasty, which is also known as endonasal, incisionless or scarless rhinoplasty, the surgeon makes the incisions on the inside of the nose, so there are no visible external incisions.  However, there are limitations to what can be accomplished with closed rhinoplasty and it requires a highly experienced surgeon to perform the procedure correctly! 

There is no need to live with a nose that you are unhappy with when a highly trained cosmetic surgeon can transform the appearance of your nose thru various rhinoplasty techniques!

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