5 Facts About Liposuction

Most people know liposuction is used for removing fat from targeted areas. However, there are some facts about this procedure that not everyone may know. Here are five facts about liposuction that may surprise you.

  1. Fat cells are permanently removed. Fat cells cannot be restored. Once fat cells are removed during liposuction, new cells will not take their place. However, if the person gains weight, fat can be stored in other areas.
  2. Results can take time to be apparent. It can take weeks or months for the final results of liposuction to be apparent. The area will swell. Fluids will need to be drained and compression used before the area will shrink to its new shape and size.
  3. Liposuction is not for obese people. The best candidates for liposuction are not obese but are close to their goal weight. Liposuction is used to reduce problem fat areas, not to lose weight.
  4. Lasers and ultrasound can be used to liquify fat. Fat must be first loosened to effectively remove through liposuction. Lasers can help heat and liquify fat; ultrasounds use sound waves to liquify fat. Using these techniques can allow for more areas to be treated at one time.
  5. Liposuction is commonly used for facial procedures. Many people think liposuction is just for the tummy, thighs or other areas on the body. In reality, liposuction is used for many facial procedures, including during facelifts, neck lifts and eyelid lifts. Plus, liposuction is used for fat transfer to the face, removing fat from the body to add to the face.

Liposuction can be a safe and effective way to change the shape of your body or face. For the best results, choose an experienced plastic surgeon to perform this procedure.

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Atlanta Plastic Surgery Specialists, P.C.
2001 Peachtree Road #630
Atlanta, GA 30309
(404) 355-3566

4 Reasons to Undergo Facial Liposuction

Fat can alter the appearance of your face. Too much can cause a lack of definition or sagging, while too little can make you look gaunt and older. Striking the right balance of fat under the skin can create the facial look you desire. While some people need fat transfers or injections to achieve the appearance they prefer, others need fat removal. For those that want to slim their face, facial liposuction may be the answer. Here are four reasons that people choose to undergo facial liposuction.

  1. Reduce a double chin. Excess fat under the chin can make the face look rounder and minimize definition in the jaw and chin. Liposuction under the chin can eliminate a double chin for a more defined profile.
  2. Sagging eye tissue. Liposuction used carefully on the upper or lower lids can reduce sagging tissue that can make the eyes look older. Removing small fat deposits can open up the upper lid and reduce bags for more youthful eyes.
  3. Slim chubby cheeks. Both men and women can have “cherub” cheeks that detract from an angular face. Liposuction to reduce chubby cheeks can reveal cheekbones and a defined, mature face.
  4. Define the neck. Excess fat on the neck can cause sagging and even a “turkey gobble” if left in place. Liposuction, often combined with a neck lift, can define the neck, making it slimmer and younger appearing.

Fat deposits can impact the shape and youthfulness of the face. To change the shape or look of your chin, neck, cheeks or eyes, liposuction may be a solution. Contact an experienced plastic surgeon to discuss facial liposuction for a more defined face.

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Beverly Hills Center for Plastic & Laser Surgery
120 South Spalding Drive #236
Beverly Hills, CA 90212
(310) 288-0641

When Is Liposuction a Good Choice?

Reducing size, whether it is around the middle, on the hips or the top of thighs, is a common goal. Losing weight is difficult, but it is even harder to lose it from specific areas. Genetics come into play, and no matter how much you diet or exercise, you can find it almost impossible to create targeted fat loss. Liposuction can be a solution, but it is not for everyone. Here are some tips to determine whether liposuction could help you achieve the body shape you desire.

Are You Overweight?

Liposuction is designed to help reduce fat deposits, but it is not a weight loss solution. Good candidates for liposuction are not necessarily overweight; they have targeted areas that retain fat they want reduced. While it is possible to be overweight and have liposuction, it should not be considered for overall weight loss.

Do You Have a Specific Area You Want Reduced?

If you have love handles that continue to remain after extensive diet and exercise, or saddlebags on the upper thighs that refuse to go away, liposuction may be a good choice. Liposuction is designed to remove fat for a targeted area. Once the fat cells are removed, they are gone for good.

Has Your Shape Changed with Age?

Often as you get older, you may find that the shape of your body and face change. You may suddenly retain fat around the abdomen, upper arms or under the chin. Liposuction can remove spot fat deposits caused by aging, often combined with a lift in the area.

If you are considering liposuction, consult a plastic surgeon who specializes in this procedure to determine if it is the right choice for your needs.

Posted on behalf of:
Atlanta Plastic Surgery Specialists, P.C.
2001 Peacthree Road #630
Atlanta, GA 30309
(404) 355-3566

3 Benefits of Neck Liposuction

A well-defined chin and jawline are desired by both men and women for an attractive appearance. Excess fat and skin on the neck and under the chin can diminish the definition of the lower face, making it look older or less attractive. Liposuction under the chin and in the neck area can be a solution to a poorly defined chin, offering these three benefits.

  1. Look younger. Sagging skin and excess fat on the neck can make you look older, even if you have maintained a youthful face. Liposuction, often combined with a neck lift, can remove the sagging skin and fat that can belie your age.
  2. Fight genetics. Many people have a “weak” chin, not because of age or lack of chin structure, but due to the fat under their chin. They may be a healthy weight, but genetics have given them excess chin fat. Liposuction can remove fat deposits, creating a more defined chin and attractive appearance.
  3. Permanent fat removal. One of the benefits of any type of liposuction is that once fat cells are removed, they will not return. When liposuction is used to remove fat under the chin and in the neck area, it is gone for good.

Neck liposuction can have a dramatic impact on the look of your face and chin, especially from your profile view. You can look youthful, with a clearly defined chin that exudes masculinity in men and a svelte appearance in women. If you are ready to rid your neck of excess fat and improve the look of your lower face, schedule a consultation with an experienced facial plastic surgeon to learn more about neck liposuction.

Posted on behalf of:
Maurice M. Khosh, MD, FACS
580 Park Avenue, Suite 1BE
New York, NY 10065

Options for Reducing a Double Chin

Excess fat under the chin and on the neck can create the appearance of a double chin. Many people have extra fat under the chin, even if they are not overweight. This can make the face look chubby and reduce definition of the chin and jaw. There are two main solutions for reducing the appearance of a double chin: liposuction and Kybella injections. Here are the differences in the procedures for those who may be looking for options to reduce the look of a double chin.


For permanent, targeted fat reduction, liposuction can be used to remove fat cells. Liposuction can remove fat pockets from both under the chin and in the neck area. In most cases, a compression garment is worn for a few days after the procedure to help the skin and tissue reform and tighten. Once the swelling and bruising subsides, the results will be noticeable, usually within two weeks.


To destroy fat cells without surgery, Kybella injections can be used for reduction of a double chin. Kybella dissolves fat cells, which are absorbed by the body. It can take more than one treatment of Kybella to get the results desired, usually a month or more apart. While Kybella is less invasive, it can only reduce fat under the chin, not in the neck area. The results are subtler and can take longer to achieve versus liposuction.

Both options can be beneficial for enhancing the definition of the chin and reducing fat. To determine which is best for you, contact a plastic surgeon that offers both at their clinic. They can perform an exam and explain the differences for achieving the results you desire based on your physical attributes.

Posted on behalf of:
Maurice M. Khosh, MD, FACS
580 Park Avenue, Suite 1BE
New York, NY 10065

When Is Body Liposuction Appropriate?

Liposuction may seem like an easy fix to excess fat, but it is not always appropriate. In 2015, liposuction was the top cosmetic surgery performed in the U.S. according to the American Society for Aesthetic Plastic Surgery. 396,045 liposuction procedures were completed, outnumbering the 2nd highest surgery by over 90,000. Liposuction is not a weight loss option, but instead meant to reshape the body and remove difficult fat deposits that don’t respond to diet and exercise.

So, when is it appropriate to consider liposuction for body transformation? The procedure can remove a sizeable amount of fat from the abdomen, thighs, hips or other areas, but should be used as a last resort for weight loss. Some common reasons men and women seek liposuction include:

  • Post-pregnancy or excessive weight loss. Some women have trouble losing the fat from their abdomen after pregnancy. Liposuction can be used with a tummy tuck to remove fat and extra skin to restore a flat stomach. This can also be done after excess weight loss when there is loose skin and small amounts of fat left on the abdomen or other areas.
  • Genetic fat deposits. Even when a person is within a healthy weight for their height, genetics can lead to excess fat in some areas. Liposuction can remove pockets of fat from hips, thighs, chin and torso that don’t respond to other weight loss attempts.
  • Fat removal can help reshape and define areas that exercise alone cannot do. This can show muscle definition for a tighter, defined body.

If you have tried to get the body you want through diet and exercise, but still have areas that refuse to lose excess fat, liposuction may be an option. Consult a experienced plastic surgeon to see if you are a candidate for liposuction.

Posted on behalf of:
Atlanta Plastic Surgery Specialists, P.C.
2001 Peacthree Road #630
Atlanta, GA 30309
(404) 355-3566

When Is Liposuction the Right Choice?

There is no easy way to reduce fat on the body. Diet and exercise take commitment, time and effort, but can be effective in losing weight and shaping the body. However, even when you work hard to lose body fat, you can still have areas that stubbornly hold on to stored fat. If you have wondered about liposuction and whether it may be right for you, here are some people that could be good candidates for liposuction.


For some women, the stomach area never returns to the firm, flat stomach they had before pregnancy, even with exercise and diet. Liposuction, often combined with a tummy tuck, can remove excess fat left on the abdomen and restore a thinner midsection.


Often liposuction is a good choice for those who do not necessarily need to lose weight, but want to reshape their body. If you have areas that store extra fat, even though you are height-weight proportionate, liposuction could trim these trouble spots and give you a more desirable shape.

Permanent Fat Loss

Unlike diet and exercise, liposuction is a permanent solution to removing fat cells. Losing fat through burning it from the body only shrinks the cells; liposuction removes the fat cells completely. For those that tend to gain fat in the same areas, this can be a long-term option to reduce fat storage in those spots.

If any of these situations sound familiar, you also may be a good candidate for liposuction. Schedule a consultation with a plastic surgeon that specializes in advanced liposuction techniques to learn more about this procedure and to determine if it is the right choice for you.

Posted on behalf of:
Atlanta Plastic Surgery Specialists, P.C.
2001 Peacthree Road #630
Atlanta, GA 30309
(404) 355-3566