4 Reasons to Undergo Facial Liposuction

Fat can alter the appearance of your face. Too much can cause a lack of definition or sagging, while too little can make you look gaunt and older. Striking the right balance of fat under the skin can create the facial look you desire. While some people need fat transfers or injections to achieve the appearance they prefer, others need fat removal. For those that want to slim their face, facial liposuction may be the answer. Here are four reasons that people choose to undergo facial liposuction.

  1. Reduce a double chin. Excess fat under the chin can make the face look rounder and minimize definition in the jaw and chin. Liposuction under the chin can eliminate a double chin for a more defined profile.
  2. Sagging eye tissue. Liposuction used carefully on the upper or lower lids can reduce sagging tissue that can make the eyes look older. Removing small fat deposits can open up the upper lid and reduce bags for more youthful eyes.
  3. Slim chubby cheeks. Both men and women can have “cherub” cheeks that detract from an angular face. Liposuction to reduce chubby cheeks can reveal cheekbones and a defined, mature face.
  4. Define the neck. Excess fat on the neck can cause sagging and even a “turkey gobble” if left in place. Liposuction, often combined with a neck lift, can define the neck, making it slimmer and younger appearing.

Fat deposits can impact the shape and youthfulness of the face. To change the shape or look of your chin, neck, cheeks or eyes, liposuction may be a solution. Contact an experienced plastic surgeon to discuss facial liposuction for a more defined face.

Posted on behalf of:
Beverly Hills Center for Plastic & Laser Surgery
120 South Spalding Drive #236
Beverly Hills, CA 90212
(310) 288-0641

What Is Facial Liposuction and Liposculpture?

Facial liposuction differs from facial liposculpture, in that, one seeks to rid the cheeks and jaw line (jowls) of extra fat, whereas the other actually seeks to restore or replenish the lost volume of fat in the face. Ironically, both scenarios of either too much fat or not enough fat are mostly age related, depending upon where you fall in the age spectrum.

As gravity weighs down on our facial skin, fat tends to accumulate under our chin and jaw line, creating an unsightly jowl effect or a turkey gobbler neck. With a small suction device, this fat can be removed. However, this is also usually done in conjunction with other facelift procedures as the incisions are similar and, of course, removing the fat does not address the problem of excess skin. The end result of a facial liposuction is a thinner, younger, facial appearance. 

At some point in our aging process, our face develops a hollowed appearance as natural fatty tissues decline. To compensate for these, sometimes, rapid changes, facial fat can be repositioned or restored through facial fat injections. This is called facial liposculpture. This sculpturing process replenishes facial fat volume by taking excess fat from other areas of the body and injecting it into the face through tiny incisions, using contemporary techniques. This rejuvenation process helps to restore the face back to its natural, youthful, appearance. 

Most people tend to begin looking for new ways to enhance their facial features somewhere in their 30’s. As we grow older, our skin changes and loses elasticity. Wherever you may find yourself on this aging spectrum, contact your plastic surgeon for a consultation wherein your individual specific concerns can be addressed.