When Is Liposuction a Good Choice?

Reducing size, whether it is around the middle, on the hips or the top of thighs, is a common goal. Losing weight is difficult, but it is even harder to lose it from specific areas. Genetics come into play, and no matter how much you diet or exercise, you can find it almost impossible to create targeted fat loss. Liposuction can be a solution, but it is not for everyone. Here are some tips to determine whether liposuction could help you achieve the body shape you desire.

Are You Overweight?

Liposuction is designed to help reduce fat deposits, but it is not a weight loss solution. Good candidates for liposuction are not necessarily overweight; they have targeted areas that retain fat they want reduced. While it is possible to be overweight and have liposuction, it should not be considered for overall weight loss.

Do You Have a Specific Area You Want Reduced?

If you have love handles that continue to remain after extensive diet and exercise, or saddlebags on the upper thighs that refuse to go away, liposuction may be a good choice. Liposuction is designed to remove fat for a targeted area. Once the fat cells are removed, they are gone for good.

Has Your Shape Changed with Age?

Often as you get older, you may find that the shape of your body and face change. You may suddenly retain fat around the abdomen, upper arms or under the chin. Liposuction can remove spot fat deposits caused by aging, often combined with a lift in the area.

If you are considering liposuction, consult a plastic surgeon who specializes in this procedure to determine if it is the right choice for your needs.

Posted on behalf of:
Atlanta Plastic Surgery Specialists, P.C.
2001 Peacthree Road #630
Atlanta, GA 30309
(404) 355-3566

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