Reducing a Double Chin without Surgery

Does your jaw or chin lack definition due to fatty tissue under the chin? The ‘double chin’ is a common problem for both men and women, impacting the overall appearance of their neck and face. While liposuction surgery can remove excess fat tissue, it also requires recovery and downtime. Another option is Kybella injections, the non-surgical option to reduce a double chin.

What Is Kybella?

Kybella is a synthetic form of a bio-acid that breaks down fat cells in the body. This substance attacks the cellular walls of fat cells, destroying them completely. When injected into fatty areas, the fat cells disintegrate and the fat inside the cells is absorbed into the bloodstream. Since fat cells do not regenerate, once they are gone, they do not return.

How Does It Work?

Kybella injections are designed specifically to help with small fatty deposits like those that create a double chin. A few injections are placed in the area by a plastic surgeon and the bio acid goes to work on destroying the fat cells. Over several weeks, the chin and neck area begin to shrink in size as the fat cells disappear. Depending on the extent of the fatty tissue, additional injections may be needed to obtain the desired effect. Except for slight tenderness or possible bruising after the procedure, there are few known negative side effects of this procedure.

If you are interested in slimming down your chin and neck area to improve your appearance, contact a local plastic surgeon that offers Kybella injections. In just a few weeks you can begin noticing a more defined chin and profile for a more attractive and youthful appearance.

Posted on behalf of
Kalos Facial Plastic Surgery LLC
5670 Peachtree Dunwoody Road Northeast #910
Atlanta, GA 30342
(404) 936-6665

Smoothing Away Smile Lines

Have years of happiness left lines on your face? The curved lines that go from your nose around the corner of your lips and create parenthesis around your mouth when you smile – those are called smile lines and they become deeper as you get older. While smiling is a good sign, most people do not enjoy these etched lines that make them appear older. The good news is there are effective options to smooth away smile lines and give you a more youthful appearance.

Facial Fillers for Smile Lines

Facial fillers are used to add volume under the skin to treat wrinkles and help improve elasticity lost with aging. However, not all facial fillers can be used for smile lines. These lines on the nasolabial fold are deeper than surface wrinkles. While fillers can be used to reduce their appearance, they must be injected deeper and use the right consistency for firmness and flexibility.

There are several dermal filler products that can be used for smile lines. One of the popular lines is Restylane, which has Refyne and Defyne products that are designed to smooth laugh or smile lines while allowing for natural movement. The procedure can be done during an office visit to a facial plastic surgeon, with effects that are almost immediate and can last for several months to a year. These injections do not require recovery or downtime and can often be performed in less than an hour.

If you have smile lines that have become permanently etched on your face, you can smooth those lines away with a visit to an experienced facial plastic surgeon. Schedule an appointment to discuss non-surgical options like facial fillers to create a more youthful appearance for your face.

Posted on behalf of:
Maurice M. Khosh, MD, FACS
580 Park Avenue, Suite 1BE
New York, NY 10065

Reducing the Appearance of Eye Bags

Dark circles and bags under your eyes give you a tired appearance. A late night or busy week can give you eye bags, but if you have these every day regardless of how much you rested, it will make you look older. Eye bags can occur even when you feel energetic, caused by sagging skin, lost volume and other factors. If you want to erase those dark circles and fill the sunken areas under your eyes, there are cosmetic procedures you can use.

Dermal Filler Injections

If your eye bags are caused by a loss of volume under your eyes, you can fix this problem with dermal filler injections. A quick office visit to a med spa can give you a chance to add more volume under the eyes and in the upper cheek to smooth away eye bags. Most dermal fillers last for several months or more and can help improve the volume and youthfulness of the skin.

Surgical Eye Lifts

When sagging skin and fat under the eyes creates permanent eye bags, a permanent solution is needed. A surgical eye lift can remove excess skin; liposuction or fat transfers while lifting the skin can create a tighter area on the eyes, eliminating eye bags. For some people, a cheek lift or implant can help with eye bags caused by drooping upper cheeks.

If you are tired of looking tired, explore the different options to fix eye bags. Contact your local facial plastic surgeon to discuss surgical and non-surgical options to make you look less tired and years younger. In as little as one visit, you can change your appearance and look more energetic.

Posted on behalf of
Kalos Facial Plastic Surgery LLC
5670 Peachtree Dunwoody Road Northeast #910
Atlanta, GA 30342
(404) 936-6665

Look Happier and Younger with a Brow Lift

What does your forehead say about your mood and age? Do indentations between the eyebrows make you look angry or upset? Do horizontal lines etched into across the brow make you look years older than you feel? Sinking eyebrows and deep lines on the forehead can change not only how your forehead appears, but the overall look of your eyes and face. If your brow is impacting the expression you want to portray to the world, a brow lift may be a good option to look younger and happier.

Benefits of a Brow Lift

With a brow lift, usually small incisions are made in the hairline to access tissue and skin on the forehead. An elevation of the skin and tissue can smooth away lines and excess skin can be removed, changing the overall appearance. When completed by a talented plastic surgeon, a brow lift can have the following benefits:

  • Horizontal lines smooths
  • “11” between the eyebrows smoothed
  • Lifting and reshaping the arch of the eyebrows for an eye-opening effect
  • Tighter, firmer skin on the brow
  • Reduce frown lines that can make you look angry or tired

When the deep lines disappear, and the eyebrows regain a more youthful position, you can look years younger and the angry or upset expression can fade away. Browlifts are often combined with an upper eyelid lift to reveal more youthful, open eyes.

Don’t let your brow tell the world a different story than you feel. If you want to erase those deep lines and reshape the eyebrows, schedule a consultation with a plastic surgeon. A brow lift might be the answer to make you look more like your happier, younger self.

Posted on behalf of:
Atlanta Plastic Surgery Specialists, P.C.
2001 Peacthree Road #630
Atlanta, GA 30309
(404) 355-3566

4 Reasons to Undergo Facial Liposuction

Fat can alter the appearance of your face. Too much can cause a lack of definition or sagging, while too little can make you look gaunt and older. Striking the right balance of fat under the skin can create the facial look you desire. While some people need fat transfers or injections to achieve the appearance they prefer, others need fat removal. For those that want to slim their face, facial liposuction may be the answer. Here are four reasons that people choose to undergo facial liposuction.

  1. Reduce a double chin. Excess fat under the chin can make the face look rounder and minimize definition in the jaw and chin. Liposuction under the chin can eliminate a double chin for a more defined profile.
  2. Sagging eye tissue. Liposuction used carefully on the upper or lower lids can reduce sagging tissue that can make the eyes look older. Removing small fat deposits can open up the upper lid and reduce bags for more youthful eyes.
  3. Slim chubby cheeks. Both men and women can have “cherub” cheeks that detract from an angular face. Liposuction to reduce chubby cheeks can reveal cheekbones and a defined, mature face.
  4. Define the neck. Excess fat on the neck can cause sagging and even a “turkey gobble” if left in place. Liposuction, often combined with a neck lift, can define the neck, making it slimmer and younger appearing.

Fat deposits can impact the shape and youthfulness of the face. To change the shape or look of your chin, neck, cheeks or eyes, liposuction may be a solution. Contact an experienced plastic surgeon to discuss facial liposuction for a more defined face.

Posted on behalf of:
Beverly Hills Center for Plastic & Laser Surgery
120 South Spalding Drive #236
Beverly Hills, CA 90212
(310) 288-0641

Symptoms of Thyroid Eye Disease

Inflammation in the fatty tissues and muscles behind the eyes can be caused by an autoimmune condition called thyroid eye disease (TED) or Graves’ eye disease. This eye condition is linked with an overactive thyroid caused by Graves’ disease. In Graves’ disease, antibodies can attack thyroid cells and the surface cells behind the eyes. Here are a few of the symptoms of thyroid eye disease to help identify the problem and solutions that can be used for treatment.

  • Red, Dry or Itchy Eyes. While red, dry or itchy eyes can be caused by many different triggers, this is a common symptom of TED. This symptom can be treated with lubricating eye drops.
  • Eye Pain. TED can cause eye pain, especially when looking up or down. This can be treated with steroids that help relieve the inflammation.
  • Eye Swelling. One of the most noticeable symptoms of TED is swelling of the eye tissues. In severe cases, the inflammation can press on the optic nerve, cause the eyes to “bulge” or have the experience of staring. Steroids can help with inflammation, but in severe cases, surgery may be needed.

Plastic Surgery For Thyroid Eye Disease

When TED causes bulging, protruding eyes or a “staring” appearance when the upper eyelids to move upward, plastic surgery can be one option for treatment. Orbital decompression can be used to help minimize protrusion and reduce the appearance of bulging eyes. For the “staring” symptom caused by upward eyelid movement, the upper eyelid can be altered through plastic surgery to combat this symptom.

If you have these symptoms, schedule an appointment with your physician to be tested for TED. For those with TED that want to explore plastic surgery options, contact a oculoplastic surgeon for a consultation.

Posted on behalf of:
Kami Parsa, M.D.
Oculoplastic Surgery
465 N Roxbury Dr. Suite 1011
Beverly Hills, CA 90210
(310) 777-8880

Do I Need Plastic Surgery for a Nose Fracture?

A basketball to the face or impact in an auto accident can cause a nose fracture. Many broken noses do not require medical attention or surgery. While painful, a small crack in one of the nasal bones will not necessarily impact breathing, the sinuses or look of the nose. However, when more serious fractures occur, the nose can be altered in shape. If not quickly corrected, you’ll be stuck with a misshaped nose. Surgery for a nasal fracture repair may be needed to return your nose to the desired shape.

When a nose fracture occurs, you can reset the bones within the first two weeks in some cases. If one of the bones has just shifted, a plastic surgeon or other doctor can move the bone back into place. Adjusting the bones and securing them in place while they heal can restore the shape of the nose. However, some broken noses may require rhinoplasty to fix. The bones must completely heal, then surgery can be used to reshape the nose.

Rhinoplasty for a Broken Nose

If you are left with a crooked or crushed nose after an accident, rhinoplasty may be needed to change the shape. This can be an opportunity to not only restore your nose but improve on the shape. If you have always wanted to lose the hump on your bridge or change the tip, this is your opportunity. Plus, nose work can open sinuses and help with breathing issues caused by the fracture accident.

A fracture of the nose can alter your appearance if the bones are out of place. Seek the assistance of a facial plastic surgeon that specializes in rhinoplasty to restore the beauty of your nose.

Posted on behalf of:
Maurice M. Khosh, MD, FACS
580 Park Avenue, Suite 1BE
New York, NY 10065

Permanently Enhance Your Lips with Augmentation

Have you always wanted fuller or more defined lips? Genetics do not always give you the look you desire for your features. However, there are options to improve features like your lips to give you what genetics did not. Lip augmentation can permanently change the shape or fullness of your lips to give you the pucker and smile you always wanted.

Lip Augmentation Options

There is not a one-size-fits all when it comes to lip cosmetic procedures. Like any facial feature, you want your lips to blend with your other features and look balanced. Too much enhancement may make your lips look out of place, but too thin of lips without shape can detract from your smile. A talented plastic surgeon can help you find the right shape and fullness for your lips to make you look your best. Some lip augmentations you may consider include:

  • Enhance the Cupid’s bow at the top of your lip
  • Fat injections or transfers for improved fullness and reduced lines
  • Lip implants
  • Lip lift

Some people only want thicker lips, while others want to add volume and change their lip shape. If lost volume is due to getting older, you may also want to fill in lines around the lips. You can work with your plastic surgeon to find the best combination of techniques to create the look you desire.

Your lips and smile are one of the first features that people notice about you. Make your lips look their best by seeking the assistance of a plastic surgeon. Schedule a consultation with a talented plastic surgeon to discuss permanently enhancing your lips through augmentation.

Posted on behalf of:
New York Eye and Ear Infirmary of Mount Sinai
310 East 14th Street
6th Floor, North Bldg
New York, NY 10003
Phone: (212) 381-6110

Is Facial Plastic Surgery Right for Me?

Making the decision to have facial plastic surgery is very personal and complex. While many people may have an aspect of their face they are unhappy with or may be disappointed with the affect of aging, plastic surgery is not a procedure to undergo on a whim. While there are many benefits, it is important to take the time to consider whether plastic surgery is the best option for you.

The first question to ask yourself is what you hope to achieve with plastic surgery. Someone who has a crooked nose or sagging skin may be unhappy with the way they look, but will changing the feature give them the satisfaction they desire? For many people, the answer is yes. They feel more confident and that alone is worth the surgery. If having facial plastic surgery will help you be happier with yourself, improving your personal and professional interactions by more confidence, it can be worth the effort.

However, some people hope that changing an aspect of their face will please someone else. While that may or may not be true, it is important to want plastic surgery for yourself, not just for someone else. You will be the one that will need to undergo the surgery and recovery, not someone else. Make sure it is what you desire, whether or not another person will enjoy the results.

Before deciding to have facial plastic surgery, talk about all the risks and options with your plastic surgeon. Your surgeon can help you find the best procedure to give you the look you desire – in some cases, there may be non-surgical options that you can try before undergoing a permanent change to your face. Take the time to consider all the benefits and risks; then make the choice that is right for you in the long run.

Posted on behalf of:
New York Eye and Ear Infirmary of Mount Sinai
310 East 14th Street
6th Floor, North Bldg

New York, NY 10003
Phone: (212) 381-6110

Best Facial Procedures for Anti-Aging

Times does not stop, and the years of your life eventually are evident on your face. Daily care and protection for your skin can help slow the aging process, but even with a meticulous skincare routine, lines, wrinkles and sagging will occur. When these changes become more and more pronounced, you may begin looking at cosmetic treatments to slow the process of aging. Here some of the best surgical and non-surgical procedures for anti-aging which are available at many plastic surgery clinics and med spas.

Botox, Dysport or Xeomin Injections

One of the first predominant clues of your age may be the frown lines that appear on your brow or the lines by your eyes. Botox and similar other injections like Dysport and Xeomin can erase these deep frown lines and crow’s feet temporarily with a quick visit to your plastic surgeon.

Dermal Fillers

Skin loses volume with age and the elasticity of the skin wanes. Dermal fillers can replace lost volume in the skin, restoring a more youthful appearance. Dermal injections can diminish lines and wrinkles, as well as restore fullness to lips, cheeks and temples. Some also help improve collagen production for better elasticity.

Surgical Lifts

Many different types of surgical lifts can turn back the hands of time for facial rejuvenation. Complete facelifts, neck lifts, brow lifts, eye lifts and cheek lifts can all remove excess skin and elevate skin and tissue. This can fight the effects of gravity, helping your face and neck look many years younger.

Aging can be slowed, and youthfulness can be restored through facial procedures completed by a plastic surgeon. Find out more about these top cosmetic treatments by scheduling a consultation with your local facial plastic surgeon.

Posted on behalf of
Kalos Facial Plastic Surgery LLC
5670 Peachtree Dunwoody Road Northeast #910
Atlanta, GA 30342
(404) 936-6665