The Chin and Nose Correlation

The facial features all impact each other and contribute to the harmony and balance of the face. When a nose looks too large or overbearing, it is not always due to its actual size. The chin shape can drastically impact the appearance of the nose. This chin and nose correlation are important when striving to create a balanced appearance to the face. If a chin looks too small or a nose looks too large, it may require adjustments to one or both to create a balanced face.

Correcting Facial Balance with Chin Enhancement

A nose can appear too large due to a receded or weak chin. When the jaw is smaller, it pronounces other features like the nose and forehead. Often, enhancing the chin can balance the features. A chin enhancement procedure can change the shape of the face to make the nose look smaller.

A chin enhancement can be accomplished with a few different procedures. In some cases, facial fillers can be used to temporarily change the shape of the chin. Permanent options require plastic surgery. Usually a chin implant or bone grafting is used to reshape the chin and jawline, balancing the face shape and other features.

Rhinoplasty for Facial Harmony

If the nose is too large, rhinoplasty can be used to reduce the size and reshape the nose. This can help balance the face, even making a chin look more pronounced. If a combination of a weak chin and larger nose are present, a dual procedure of a chin implant and nose reduction may be needed to create the desired result.

If you feel like your nose is too large or your chin is receded, consult a facial plastic surgeon. Rhinoplasty, chin enhancement or a combination of both may offer solutions to create attractive balance in your facial features.

Posted on behalf of:
Beverly Hills Center for Plastic & Laser Surgery
120 South Spalding Drive #236
Beverly Hills, CA 90212
(310) 288-0641

Eliminate Bat Wings with an Arm Lift

When you wave to say hi or goodbye to acquaintances, do your upper arms wave too? Sagging skin, tissue and fat on the upper arms can create “bat wings” that are unattractive when you wear sleeveless attire. If you want to restore firmness and slim your upper arms, you may need more than diet and exercise to obtain the results you desire. An arm lift can remove excess fat and skin, eliminating those upper arm bat wings.

What is an Arm Lift Surgery?

Loose tissue that hangs under the upper arms usually occurs due to aging and weight fluctuations. Gaining weight on the upper arms can stretch the skin – even when weight is lost, the skin may not return to its former shape. The skin also loses elasticity with age as collagen and elastin production wane. The result can be stretched, swinging skin and tissue under the upper arms that can be embarrassing. At a certain age, surgery may be the only option to restore firmer, youthful upper arms.

An arm lift surgery addresses the excess skin, fat and tissue that create bat wings. The procedure usually includes using liposuction to remove excess fat to slim the arms. The excess skin can also be trimmed and tightened to create firmer upper arms. Experienced plastic surgeons can carefully hide the incisions to ensure there are not any obvious scars from the procedure.

If you want the option to wear sleeveless shirts without exposing sagging skin and fat, an upper arm lift may be right for you. Contact a local experienced plastic surgeon to learn more about arm lifts to eliminate your bat wings for good.

Posted on behalf of:
Atlanta Plastic Surgery Specialists, P.C.
2001 Peacthree Road #630
Atlanta, GA 30309
(404) 355-3566

Cosmetic Treatments for Facial Paralysis

There are many causes of facial paralysis that can affect the form and function of the face. Neurological damage, which can happen with strokes and other brain injuries can cause facial paralysis, as can cranial nerve damage, Bell’s palsy and other health issues. Facial paralysis most commonly affects one side of the face and can be temporary or permanent. For those with facial paralysis, there are cosmetic treatment options that can help improve the aesthetics of the face and may help with function.

With facial paralysis, dozens of muscles of the face can be affected. This can limit muscle movement for the eyelids and mouth, both necessary for many facial functions. When the muscles are not responding, the eyelids may not open and close on demand; it is common for eyelids to droop, but not close. The muscles around the mouth can also droop – one corner of the mouth may sag. Not only are these functional problems frustrating, they can greatly impact the appearance of the face and the self-esteem of the patient.

Surgical and Non-Surgical Cosmetic Treatments

Restoring a more balanced and symmetrical appearance to the face while improving function is key to facial paralysis cosmetic treatments. If the facial paralysis is expected to be temporary or to improve over time, there are non-surgical options that can help improve the appearance of the face during recovery, including Botox and facial filler injections. For permanent facial paralysis, options like lip, eyelid or brow lifts can create a more balanced appearance. There are also surgeries that can help reanimate the facial muscle using nerve and muscle transfers.

If you are living with facial paralysis, you have options to improve the function and form of your face. While cosmetic procedures cannot reverse facial paralysis, they can help make it less noticeable. Contact a local facial plastic surgeon that offers cosmetic treatments for facial paralysis to learn more.

Posted on behalf of:
New York Eye and Ear Infirmary of Mount Sinai
310 East 14th Street
6th Floor, North Bldg
New York, NY 10003
Phone: (212) 381-6110

Cosmetic Treatments for Tear Troughs

The groove that can form under your eyes when you are tired is often called a tear trough. If a tear leaves the inner corner of the eye, it could cascade down this groove and slide down the side of the cheek. Tear troughs can be caused by lack of sleep, but it is common for them to become more pronounced as you get older. This can make you look tired, even when you have had plenty of sleep. Cosmetic treatments can help minimize the appearance of tear troughs for more youthful, energetic eyes.

Reducing Dark Circles Under the Eyes

Tear troughs or dark circles are often an aging issue that occurs before lines, wrinkles or other concerns. Many men and women in their late twenties and thirties can obtain dark circles under their eyes that do not seem to ever go away. While there are surgical solutions, many younger people prefer to use non-surgical treatments that can address tear troughs without the risk or downtime of surgery.

The best non-invasive treatment for tear troughs is facial filler injections. There are several dermal fillers, most using hyaluronic acid, that can add volume under the skin. This can dissipate the appearance of blood vessels under the eyes or dark circles. Facial fillers can last for six months to over a year, depending on the product, and results are immediate. This is a great solution to maintain a more energetic appearance without surgery and the procedure can be completed in a quick office visit.

If you are interested in tear trough treatments to minimize dark circles under your eyes, contact a oculoplastic surgeon. There are surgical and non-surgical options to improve the appearance of the skin surrounding your eyes for a more youthful look.

Posted on behalf of:
Kami Parsa, M.D.
Oculoplastic Surgery
465 N Roxbury Dr. Suite 1011
Beverly Hills, CA 90210
(310) 777-8880

Anti-Aging Cosmetic Surgeries for Men

Looking youthful, attractive and energetic is important to men. While many more women than men seek plastic surgery, it is becoming more and more common for men to consider cosmetic treatments. A youthful appearance can help men feel more confident in social interactions and can be beneficial when striving to stay competitive in many professional positions. Here are some of the top cosmetic surgeries used by men to look younger and feel more confident in their appearance.

Eyelid Lifts or Blepharoplasty

When the eyelid skin and tissue sags, it can not only make you look older, it also can make the eyes look tired or sad. Blepharoplasty or an eyelid lift can remove excess skin or fat and tighten the eyelids for a more youthful appearance. This procedure can reduce hooded, drooping upper eyelids or bags under the eyes, making men look more energetic.

Brow Lift Surgery

Many men have a furrowed brow that belies their age and can make them look grumpy even when they are in a pleasant mood. A brow lift can smooth away the horizontal forehead lines and frown lines between the eyebrows while lifting the skin and tissue on the brow for a youthful look.


Heavy jowls and sagging tissue or skin under the chin is a tell-tale sign of aging. More than 11,000 men underwent facelift surgery in 2017 to combat drooping skin and tissue on the lower face and neck. A deep plane facelift can help redefine the jawline, reduce neck skin sagging and raise the jowls to help the face appear ten or more years younger.

All men deserve to feel confident when they look in the mirror at any age. If you want to look younger, contact an experienced facial plastic surgeon to discuss male cosmetic surgery options.

Posted on behalf of:
Maurice M. Khosh, MD, FACS
580 Park Avenue, Suite 1BE
New York, NY 10065

Jaw Feminization with Masseter Reduction

When the jawline is wide and square, is can have a masculine impact on the face. This is not always desirable, especially for women. Enlargement of the masseter muscles, the main muscles responsible for jaw movement that are on the outside of the cheek and jaw, can create a wider jaw. This can occur for a variety of reasons, including excessive jaw clenching, teeth grinding, gum chewing and other jaw movements. There are cosmetic masseter reduction procedures that can reshape the jaw for a more feminine appearance.

Non-Surgical Masseter Treatment

Excessive contraction of the masseter muscles can cause them to become enlarged. One effective treatment to reduce the size is using a neuromodulator to relax the muscle. Botox or Dysport injections can help limit jaw clenching and teeth grinding, allowing the masseter muscles to diminish over time. In many cases, the neuromodulator injections can effectively reduce the size of the masseter muscles and ongoing injections are not required.

Surgical Masseter Reduction

For those who want to under jaw feminization to soften a square jawline, surgical procedures can be used to reshape the face. Incisions inside the mouth can be used to access the masseter muscle and jaw bone. Trimming the muscles and bone can slim the jawline, creating a lower face that is more oval or heart-shaped instead of square. Since the incisions are inside the mouth, there are no scars for discrete alteration of the jaw shape.

If you wish you could slim the wideness of your jaw, masseter reduction may be right for you. Contact a facial plastic surgeon that offers surgical and non-surgical jaw feminization to learn more about your options to reshape your face.

Posted on behalf of
Kalos Facial Plastic Surgery LLC
5670 Peachtree Dunwoody Road Northeast #910
Atlanta, GA 30342
(404) 936-6665

Ear Shaping for Newborn Infants

Did you know that many infants are born with misshaped outer ears? About 30% or more of infants have some type of deformity of the ear when they are born. Most of time these deformities are minor and do not affect the hearing of the child. However, misshapen ears can be a source of embarrassment as they grow older and impact their self-esteem. In many cases, outer ear deformities can be fixed without surgery if reshaping is completed shortly after birth.

EarWell Infant Ear Correction

In the weeks after a baby is born, estrogen levels are higher in the body. This can create a flexibility in cartilage that makes it easier to reform. The patented EarWell™ Infant Ear Correction System is an option used by some plastic surgeons to correct infant ear defects during the first few weeks after birth, reforming the ear cartilage to a more pleasing shape.

The EarWell system is non-invasive and not painful for the infant. The system uses a mold that fits over the ear. While estrogen levels are still high, the cartilage is pliable and can be reshaped using the mold for a few weeks. This simple procedure can create uniform ears and help reduce the need for otoplasty or ear surgery later in life. While it is effective, it can only be used in these critical first few weeks after birth when the ear cartilage can still be altered easily without surgery.

If you have a child born with an outer ear defect, contact a plastic surgeon that offers the EarWell™ Infant Ear Correction System. It could minimize the ear deformity without the need for plastic surgery.

Posted on behalf of:
New York Eye and Ear Infirmary of Mount Sinai
310 East 14th Street
6th Floor, North Bldg
New York, NY 10003
Phone: (212) 381-6110

Grow Darker Longer Eyelashes

Long, lush eyelashes are more popular than ever. Many women wear fake eyelashes or extensions to achieve the beautiful eyes they desire, but these can be time-consuming and look unnatural. There is another option for those who want longer, darker lashes naturally. Latisse® is a cosmetic treatment that can allow you to grow the thicker lashes you want in just a few weeks.

What Is Latisse?

Latisse is a topical cosmetic treatment used for hypotrichosis or thin eyelashes. It encourages growth of lashes and helps them to become thicker and darker. It is only available by prescription – a facial plastic surgeon or oculoplastic surgeon can perform an exam and determine whether you are a good candidate for Latisse.

How Does the Treatment Work?

Latisse is applied once a day topically to the lash area. In about four weeks, results of longer, thicker lashes appear. It takes about 16 weeks for the full results, creating substantially longer, darker and thicker lashes for most patients. Latisse treatment must be continued to retain the results. Once you stop using the product, your lashes will slowly revert to their previous appearance over several months.

Am I a Good Candidate for Latisse?

If you want longer, thicker lashes without lash extensions, you may be a candidate for Latisse. Some people may be allergic to ingredients in Latisse and may need to stop using it if it causes irritation. The best way to find out if it is right for you is to schedule a consultation and exam with a oculoplastic surgeon. They can determine if Latisse could help you grow the eyelashes you desire and fill a prescription for your eyelash treatment.

Posted on behalf of:
Kami Parsa, M.D.
Oculoplastic Surgery
465 N Roxbury Dr. Suite 1011
Beverly Hills, CA 90210
(310) 777-8880

Reversing the Effects of Pregnancy

Motherhood comes with many joys and the miracle of birth is an incredible experience. However, many women wish that the price of motherhood did not include the changes to their body. Pregnancy can take its toll, especially for women that have had multiple pregnancies. Weight gain and stretched skin can alter the look of the breasts and abdomen, but there are plastic surgery options to reverse many of the effects of pregnancy.

Body Makeovers for Moms

During pregnancy, many women gain 20-30 pounds or more, mostly in their stomach and breasts. This enlargement can permanently change the elasticity of the skin and tissues, even if any excess weight is lost after pregnancy. The stomach may not be as flat or taut as it once was and breasts may sag or change size. Even exercise may not reverse the effects, which is why some women choose to get a body makeover through plastic surgery. This makeover can include:

  • Liposuction to remove excess fat from tummy, hips and thighs
  • A tummy tuck to tighten the abdomen
  • Breast reduction or enhancement
  • Breast lift

Each woman is different and may desire a different combination of procedures to reverse the effects of pregnancy. While it may not be possible to completely revert the body to its pre-pregnancy form, plastic surgery procedures can restore a flatter stomach and perkier breasts.

Motherhood does not mean you need to give up feeling attractive and sexy in your own body. If you are self-conscious of changes caused by pregnancy, consider getting a body makeover to reverse many of the effects of pregnancy. You deserve to feel confident and look your best – consult an experienced plastic surgeon to find out the best option to give you back the body you love.

Posted on behalf of:
Atlanta Plastic Surgery Specialists, P.C.
2001 Peacthree Road #630
Atlanta, GA 30309
(404) 355-3566

Differences Between Botox and Facial Fillers

Cosmetic injections have taken the world by storm. While plastic surgery is still an option for permanent facial transformations, injectable cosmetics can be a less-invasive and quicker option to make subtle changes to the face. Botox is one of the most popular cosmetic injections, but there are also many facial fillers that can be used for improving the beauty and youthfulness of the face. Here are the differences between Botox and facial fillers, and how they can be used separately or together.

Botox Basics

Botox is FDA-approved to diminish certain lines and wrinkles on the face. Botox works by relaxing muscle contractions that cause certain lines to appear. Frown lines between the brows or on the forehead are treatable with Botox, as are crow’s feet around the eyes. The injections take a few days to begin working and the treatment lasts for 3- 6 months before the effects wear off.

Facial Filler Basics

Facial fillers add volume under the skin. There are dozens of different fillers that can be used to smooth wrinkles or add volume to lips, skin or cheeks. Some can help increase collagen in the skin and are often used to create a more youthful appearance. The effects of facial fillers do fade, lasting from a few months up to two years, depending on the type of filler.

Using Botox and Facial Fillers Together

While both Botox and facial fillers can be used to smooth lines and wrinkles, they achieve it differently. Botox works on lines that only appear with muscle contraction, while fillers work even when the face is relaxed. When used together by an experienced plastic surgeon, Botox and facial fillers can create a more youthful appearance without surgery.

Posted on behalf of:
Beverly Hills Center for Plastic & Laser Surgery
120 South Spalding Drive #236
Beverly Hills, CA 90212
(310) 288-0641