Quick and Easy Removal of Skin Tags

Almost everyone will experience a skin tag at one point or another during their lifetime. These small skin formations are usually not harmful, yet can be uncomfortable or unattractive. Skin tags are usually just a collection of normal skin cells growing into a protruding bump, usually in areas where skin rubs together, such as an armpit or eyelid. Regardless of the cause of the skin tag, most people would prefer to be free of these unattractive growths.

Removing Skin Tags

Most skin tags will not cause any health problems, although some can become infected. Yet even though they aren’t dangerous, they’re also not a welcome development for many people. These small bumps can be embarrassing, especially when they are located in prominent areas on the neck, face or eyelids. Luckily, having them removed is a simple procedure.

A professional plastic surgeon can quickly and virtually painlessly remove skin tags in one office visit. There are several ways to remove these formations, depending on the size and placement. In most cases, the procedure takes only a short period of time, healing quickly once it is removed. People who have several of these tags can often have all of them removed in one appointment.

Most skin tags are benign growths which are not harmful. However, by consulting a plastic surgeon you can have any skin formations inspected by a skin expert who can remove the skin tag and have it tested if there are any concerns of cancerous cells. It’s the safest and most effective way to remove skin tags, giving you back smooth skin and peace of mind.

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Atlanta Plastic Surgery Specialists, P.C.
2001 Peacthree Road #630
Atlanta, GA 30309
(404) 355-3566