5 Common Cosmetic Surgery Procedures for Models

Models and actors often look like they are flawless, making many jealous of their luck to be born with such beautiful genes. However, although they may have been blessed with good looks, a large portion of models and actors do use cosmetic surgery to enhance their appearance. Whether you are an aspiring model or actor, or just want to look like one, you should know what those in the profession are doing to look their best. Here are 5 of the top cosmetic surgeries used by models.

  1. Lip enhancement. The mouth and smile is important to anyone in front of the camera. Many models undergo lip enhancement or refinement to define their lips or make them fuller, especially as they age.
  2. Rhinoplasty. One of the common trademarks in the entertainment industry is a beautifully crafted nose. Many actors and models have had rhinoplasty to refine the shape of this prominent feature.
  3. Skin resurfacing. The advanced digital image of HD on television and in cinema makes it necessary for models and actresses to have flawless skin. Skin resurfacing is a common procedure used to refine the skin’s surface, reduce blemishes and minimize imperfections.
  4. Injectables. A model or actor’s best friend is the cosmetic injectable. From Botox to dermal fillers, most injectables require little or no downtime and can help these professionals look their best without undergoing the knife.
  5. Asymmetry. A slight difference in a facial feature on one side of the face can cause imbalance of symmetry. Cosmetic surgery to change a nostril or eyelid to match the other side of the face is common in the meticulous world of models and actors.

If you want to look your best in the competitive world of entertainment, an experienced plastic surgeon is a necessity. Don’t be surprised to see a well-known face when visiting a local plastic surgeon.

Posted on behalf of:
Hunter Moyer, MD
1400 Northside Forsyth Dr.  #390
Cumming, GA 30041
(404)  250-3393