Do You have Excess Skin from Weight Loss?

Many people have fought the battle of the bulge and won, just to find themselves living with excess skin. Although the extra fat on their body may be gone, the skin is still the same size it was when they were larger. Although in some areas the skin may tighten with the fat loss, many people who were very overweight have sagging skin on their upper arms, stomach and thighs. After all the hard work to lose the fat, being left with this flabby skin can deter from their new shape. But body contouring can help reduce excess skin and give these people the shape they deserve.

How Body Contouring Works

No amount of exercising or topical creams can shrink excessive skin leftover from weight loss. Once the elasticity is lost, the excess skin that once covered a larger tummy or thick thighs just hangs loosely. Even if the muscles underneath are toned and tight, it is impossible to see their shape under this curtain of skin. Body contouring is an effective way to remove this covering to reveal a fitter, slimmer body underneath.

Body contouring involves removing much of this excess skin and forming a tighter skin surface in problem areas like the stomach. Although there will be incision marks that will leave some scars from the surgery, many talented plastic surgeons are able to minimize these scars by placing them strategically in hard-to-see areas. Even with a few scars, the results can be astonishing, creating a beautifully shaped body without the excessive skin in the way.

If you are embarrassed of the excess skin that has been left after you worked so hard to lose weight, talk to your local plastic surgeon about body contouring. It might be the final step you need to get the shape you deserve.

Posted on behalf of:
Beverly Hills Center for Plastic & Laser Surgery
120 South Spalding Drive #236
Beverly Hills, CA 90212
(310) 288-0641