Diminishing the Appearance of Acne Scars

Most teenagers and young adults have bouts of acne breakouts. In some cases, these breakouts are so severe they can leave scars behind on the skin. Years after these acne flair ups, the skin can still have a pitted appearance or red marks from past pimples. If you have acne scars that are detracting from the beauty of your skin, there are treatments to remove discolorations and smooth the skin to diminish the appearance of acne scars.

Whenever damage to the skin occurs, it can leave a scar. When the skin heals, scar tissue is created. For acne, this can leave red, white or discolored spots where large pimples occurred and even a dent in the skin. To remove these scars, specialized treatments are needed to remove old skin cells and heal the skin.

Options for Treating Acne Scars

There are a few different options for diminishing acne scars. Resurfacing the skin and dermal abrasion are often recommended to remove scarred skin cells. Nourishment and rejuvenation of the new skin cells can also help fade acne scars. Some effective cosmetic treatments that can help improve the skin and reduce acne scars include:

  • Laser resurfacing
  • Chemical peels
  • RF (radio frequency) resurfacing
  • Dermal abrasion
  • Microneedling with PRP therapy
  • Dermal fillers for filling deep acne scars

These procedures can be used independently or in a combination. A facial plastic surgeon can evaluate your skin and determine the best treatment to fade your acne scars. Many of these treatments also enhance the overall health and beauty of the skin. Laser treatments can be especially effective for both treating acne breakouts and removing leftover scars.

If you have acne scars, consider the options available to improve the appearance of your skin. Visit a facial plastic surgeon to explore treatments available to fade away those old acne scars.

Posted on behalf of:
Beverly Hills Center for Plastic & Laser Surgery
120 South Spalding Drive #236
Beverly Hills, CA 90212
(310) 288-0641

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