Grow Darker Longer Eyelashes

Long, lush eyelashes are more popular than ever. Many women wear fake eyelashes or extensions to achieve the beautiful eyes they desire, but these can be time-consuming and look unnatural. There is another option for those who want longer, darker lashes naturally. Latisse® is a cosmetic treatment that can allow you to grow the thicker lashes you want in just a few weeks.

What Is Latisse?

Latisse is a topical cosmetic treatment used for hypotrichosis or thin eyelashes. It encourages growth of lashes and helps them to become thicker and darker. It is only available by prescription – a facial plastic surgeon or oculoplastic surgeon can perform an exam and determine whether you are a good candidate for Latisse.

How Does the Treatment Work?

Latisse is applied once a day topically to the lash area. In about four weeks, results of longer, thicker lashes appear. It takes about 16 weeks for the full results, creating substantially longer, darker and thicker lashes for most patients. Latisse treatment must be continued to retain the results. Once you stop using the product, your lashes will slowly revert to their previous appearance over several months.

Am I a Good Candidate for Latisse?

If you want longer, thicker lashes without lash extensions, you may be a candidate for Latisse. Some people may be allergic to ingredients in Latisse and may need to stop using it if it causes irritation. The best way to find out if it is right for you is to schedule a consultation and exam with a oculoplastic surgeon. They can determine if Latisse could help you grow the eyelashes you desire and fill a prescription for your eyelash treatment.

Posted on behalf of:
Kami Parsa, M.D.
Oculoplastic Surgery
465 N Roxbury Dr. Suite 1011
Beverly Hills, CA 90210
(310) 777-8880

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