Reducing the Appearance of Protruding Ears

Anyone who was born with protruding ears and grew up with this condition has most likely heard the taunts and teasing about their ears from others. Children can be cruel, and adults are not much better, giving those with ear deformities nicknames like Dumbo. While protruding ears generally do not impact the health, they can affect the appearance and self-confidence of the individual. Cosmetic surgery can be an option to reduce the appearance of protruding ears, creating a more desirable balance of the ears and face.

Otoplasty or Ear Pinning Surgery

Depending on the type of ear protrusion, different methods of ear pinning or otoplasty can be performed by a qualified plastic surgeon. In some cases, all that is needed is a few stitches to pull the ears closer to the head. Other options include shaving excess cartilage to move the ears closer to the head, or otoplasty to reduce the size or change the shape of the ears.

Many parents choose to have plastic surgery performed on their child with protruding ears to protect them from the cruel taunts of their schoolmates. Once the ears are fully formed and grown, usually by age five, ear pinning or otoplasty can be performed. Children can have this procedure done before they start school, allowing them the opportunity to avoid teasing and focus on enjoying their childhood.

For those who have reached their teens years or adulthood with protruding ears, otoplasty is still an option. If you or your child has protruding ears and you want to explore the options available for changing the appearance of the ears, consult an experienced facial plastic surgeon that specializes in otoplasty at their practice.

Posted on behalf of:
Maurice M. Khosh, MD, FACS
580 Park Avenue, Suite 1BE
New York, NY 10065

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