Is it Safe to Remove a Birthmark?

If a birthmark is distracting or disfiguring, it is normal to want to have it removed. Often birthmarks occur on the face or neck, making them very noticeable. While some birthmarks fade in the first few years after infancy, others remain. It is common for parents to opt to remove a birthmark from their child’s skin when they are young, but it is not always done. If you are a teen or adult and have a birthmark, you may wonder if it is safe to have it removed.

Birthmark Removal Options

There are ways to remove a birthmark, even if you are an adult. The type of birthmark will impact what type of procedure can be used. There are some types of birthmarks that could require surgical removal, which poses more risks than other options. There are also topical creams that can be used to fade some other birthmarks with little risk or cost. But the most popular option is laser treatment, used for a wide variety of birthmarks.

Laser treatments target the dark pigment and capillaries that cause birthmarks. The amount of treatments needed depends on the type, size and darkness of the birthmark. However, most strawberry or port wine birthmarks can be effectively treated with lasers and can almost eliminate their appearance. The treatment is also safe and has limited side effects and no downtime, making it a desirable choice for those who want to find a way to remove a noticeable birthmark.

If you have a birthmark you want gone, visit a plastic surgeon that offers laser treatments and other types of birthmark removal options to find the best procedure for your needs.

Posted on behalf of:
Beverly Hills Center for Plastic & Laser Surgery
120 South Spalding Drive #236
Beverly Hills, CA 90212
(310) 288-0641

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