Combatting Under Eye Bags and Sagging

Bags or sagging under the eyes can have one of the most dramatic effects on your face. Not only does it make you appear older, it can make you look tired and exhausted. There are several factors that cause this effect, so there are also several cosmetic procedures to combat this condition. Treating the cause is the trick to removing these eye bags for a more youthful, energetic appearance.

One of the reasons eye bags occur is the fragile structure of the skin around the eyes. This skin is thinner and tends to lose its elasticity faster than other areas on the face. As collagen wanes and gravity takes hold, this delicate skin can sag, creating bags or dark circles under the eyes. Solutions for sagging skin under the eye include:

  • Dermal fillers. Use on injectable dermal fillers can add volume under the skin and help improve collagen production.
  • Eyelift. Plastic surgery can be performed to lift the skin and tissue surrounding the eye, both on the top and bottom lid.
  • Resurfacing. In some cases, dermal abrasion or chemical peels can help minimize wrinkles and improve elasticity in the skin around the eyes.

Another cause of eye bags is loss of fat in the cheeks. The fat layer under the skin in the upper cheek can dissipate or shift downward, causing eye bags. Dermal fillers can help this in some cases; for more pronounced eye bags or fat loss, cheek implants or a cheek lift can be used to restore a more youthful appearance.

If you have eye bags that have changed the appearance of your face, schedule a consultation with an experienced plastic surgeon. There are surgical and non-surgical options to reduce the appearance of under-eye sagging for a more youthful and energetic look for your face.

Posted on behalf of:
Beverly Hills Center for Plastic & Laser Surgery
120 South Spalding Drive #236
Beverly Hills, CA 90212
(310) 288-0641

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