Mini Face Lift

A minimal incision line face lift is often referred to as a ‘mini’ face lift, and is an excellent choice for certain people.  Minimal incision line face lifts correct and enhance the lower portions of your face, helping to tighten skin that has begun to sag below the level of the eyes.

The minimal incision line face lift has shorter ‘down time’ and a faster recovery rate than a traditional face lift.  Clients can generally return to work in less than a week, with minimal swelling or bruising. 

Clients who benefit the most from minimal incision line face lifts are those that have excess sagging in skin in the cheeks and jaw line, around the nose, or have cheek pads that appear to be ‘loose’ or ‘slipping’.  Drooping in the corners of the mouth generally cannot be treated with a minimal incision line face lift, and other procedures are better indicated in these cases.

The advantages of a minimal incision line face lift are huge:  less tissue is disturbed, so there is less bruising, swelling and edema.  Because the incision lines are smaller, healing time is faster, and there is less of a risk for infection.  Return to work can generally be done in one week.  Repeated touch ups are not a problem, and are easy to perform, and the ability to provide a full face lift in later years is still a viable option.  A mini face lift in conjunction with aggressive skin care such as wrinkle minimizations, laser resurfacing, and some lotions can provide many years of satisfaction.  Finally, anesthesia needs are much lower with a minimal incision line face lift.

If you are interested in seeing if a minimal incision line face lift is the best option for you, consult your facial cosmetic surgeon today for a consultation.  The choice is in your hands!