Four Reasons People Choose to Get a Chin Implant

When you think of facial plastic surgery procedures, the chin may not be the feature you first consider. Rhinoplasty, or the “nose job,” is one of the most popular options, along with facelifts, eye lifts or lip augmentation. However, enhancing the chin can have a substantial impact on the overall appearance of a face, drastically changing their profile and facial balance. Here are four reasons people choose to undergo chin implant plastic surgery.

  1. Weak chin. The most obvious reason to get a chin implant is when you have a weak, receding or undefined chin. For those whose chin slants into their neck, a chin implant can improve their profile.
  2. Defined neck. Chin implants are often combined with a neck lift or neck liposuction to define the neck for a more youthful appearance. The implant lifts the chin and creates a distinct jaw line to improve the neck area.
  3. Balance the face. A beautiful face is not due to one feature, but a combination and balance of the features. A chin implant can lengthen the face for balance, improving the overall attractiveness of the face.
  4. Reconstruction. If injury or trauma has occurred to the jaw, a chin implant may be part of the reconstruction process to rebuild the chin and jaw.

If you have a weak, receding or unremarkable chin, adding a chin implant can define your jaw line and neck area while balancing your facial features. Seek a consultation with an experienced plastic surgeon that specializes in genioplasty or chin implants to determine whether this procedure could offer the aesthetic change to your appearance you desire.

Posted on behalf of:
Atlanta Plastic Surgery Specialists, P.C.
2001 Peacthree Road #630
Atlanta, GA 30309
(404) 355-3566

Bring Out Your Cheekbones with a Cheek Reduction

Chubby cheeks are cute when you are a kid, but as an adult, a rounded face is not always the look you want. Most people’s cheeks thin as they get older, bringing out their cheekbones and a more mature face. However, others may have cheeks that continue to create a “cute” appearance well into their twenties and thirties. A cheek reduction can help sculpt the face and bring out those cheekbones for a more mature, angular-shaped face.

The cheeks are an important component to the overall look of your face. Too little fat in your cheeks can make you look older, tired and gaunt. Too much fat can make your face look heavy and “cherub-like,” which may not be the appearance you prefer in your professional and social life. The right balance of fat creates a well-shaped face that shows the contours of your cheekbones while keeping a youthful softness. A cheek reduction can create that perfect balance for the mature face you desire.

Cheek Reduction Surgery

To reduce the fat content of the cheeks and bring out the bone structure of your face, a buccal fat reduction surgery can be completed. This facial plastic surgery usually involves a small incision placed inside the mouth to remove excess fat without leaving a visible scar. The results can eliminate full or chipmunk cheeks and bring out the cheekbones for a more svelte appearance to the face.

If you want to slim your face and highlight the angular shape of your bone structure, a cheek reduction surgery may be right for you. Contact an experienced facial plastic surgeon that offers cheek reduction surgery for a consultation to learn more.

Posted on behalf of:
Sanaz Harirchian, M.D.
9230 Katy Fwy Suite 600
Houston, TX 77055

Are You Ready for a Liquid Face Lift?

Aging is a fact of life, one that many people dread. The face is often the first place you begin to notice the changes that age can bring. Both men and women begin to see wrinkles around their features, especially their eyes and mouth. Frown lines form on the forehead, bags can appear under the eyes and your lips can thin. All these little changes make you look older, changing you from the youthful person you once were into an older version of yourself.

So what can be done to slow this process? Time will not stop and you will eventually age, but there are non-invasive options to slow down your aging. If you are not ready or willing to pursue surgical cosmetic procedures, a liquid face lift can address many of the first signs of aging.

A liquid face lift uses different injectable cosmetics to help diminish those lines and wrinkles that make you look older. Injectable fillers can plump thin lips, smooth wrinkles and erase some age lines. Other injectables like Botox can be used to relax muscles that cause frown lines between your brows, taking years off your face.

The advantages of a liquid face lift are that is requires little to no down time and the results can last 1-2 years. In an afternoon, you have the procedure completed, often with only a little redness at the injection areas. Within days the results are apparent, yet subtle enough that most people will not even realize you had a procedure. You will just look more like you did a few years ago!

If the signs of age on your face are bothering you, consult a cosmetic surgeon on the possibility of a liquid face lift. It could be just the enhancement you need to boost your self-confidence and slow down the process of looking older.

Posted on behalf of:
Beverly Hills Center for Plastic & Laser Surgery
120 South Spalding Drive #236
Beverly Hills, CA 90212
(310) 288-0641

Difference Between Botox and Facial Fillers

If you have been considering seeking facial treatments to reduce the appearance of lines and wrinkles, you may be debating between Botox and facial fillers. While both are injectable procedures that are safe and effective for wrinkle reduction, there is a distinct difference in how the injections work. Some people use one or the other, while others may use both. 

Botox Injections

Botox Cosmetics is a purified form of botulinum toxin which acts as a muscle relaxer, actually restricting the movement of certain facial muscles. It is those movements that create lines and wrinkles in the skin over many years. Botox is particularly effective on wrinkles and fine lines that appear when a person smiles or frowns. The injections are quick and virtually painless and the effects can last for 4-6 months. With continued use, Botox can also be used as a preventive measure to reduce the formation of wrinkles in areas where the injections are placed. 

Facial Fillers

Facial fillers also combat the appearance of wrinkles, but in a different way. These injections are used to plump or fill in lines and wrinkles, creating a smoother skin surface. The injections do not affect the muscles like Botox, only add volume to the skin in areas that are prone to deep lines. There are several different kinds of fillers, each with their own merits. Facial filler injections are also quick procedures that have almost no downtime, with effects lasting up to nine months. 

To determine which injectable treatment would be best for your needs, talk to a qualified plastic surgeon that offers both options. They can examine your skin and offer solutions that will give you the younger, smoother looking skin you desire.

Posted on behalf of
Kalos Facial Plastic Surgery LLC
5670 Peachtree Dunwoody Road Northeast #910
Atlanta, GA 30342
(404) 936-6665

Facial Scar Revision

Facial scars can cause profound emotional and psychological stress to people. For some, the scars are painful reminders of the past. For others, the scars are just an embarrassing facial feature that they wish would go away. In some cases, facial scars can distort or limit the functioning of certain structures including the lips, eyes, brows, and nose. Correcting facial scars can benefit a person emotionally as well as physically. 

Different factors are taken into account when a patient is undergoing scar revision. The person’s age, skin type and color, the placement of the scar, and the nature of how the scar was obtained must all be taken into consideration. Every facial scar is different. Some scars are deep, while others are wide. Some scars stand alone, while others affect different facial structures and inhibit their ability to function. Scar revision requires specific plastic surgery techniques; therefore, your face should only be trusted with a skilled and reputable plastic surgeon. 

Scar revision is not recommended on new scars. Twelve months are generally needed for an injury to sufficiently heal and for the scar to mature. Common facial scar revision procedures used are laser therapy, dermabrasion, W-Plasty, Z-Plasty, and direct excision. Meeting with a trusted plastic surgeon will help to ensure that your face is in good hands. A quality plastic surgeon uses more than just a knife to enhance the beauty of a patient. He or she uses the knowledge of a person’s face and skin to determine the best route for scar revision. 

Your doctor should thoroughly examine your scar in order to determine the correct treatment for revision. Everyone will have different results, but you should expect to see great improvement from your scar revision. Your face is personal to you, and it should be treated with utmost care and respect.

Posted on behalf of Benjamin Stong, MD, Kalos Facial Plastic Surgery, LLC 


Chin Implants

The face is one of the most personal as well as the most public places on our bodies. The face is personal as it reflects who each person is, but it is also incredibly public because our face is how people recognize each of us. If a person is self conscious about the appearance of her face, how she portrays herself can be insecure and cause her to come across in an unwanted manner. Chin implants are done to build a better profile in forming the chin height and roundness. With a better profile, the facial structure is balanced and more attractive. 

Many times a rhinoplasty surgery (nose job) is performed at the same time as a chin implant in order to balance the proportions of the face. Chin implant surgery involves placing synthetic materials deep under the tissue and onto the underlying bone. Most surgeries are performed through incisions made inside the mouth, however some are done from a small incision under the chin. A pocket is created at the tip of the chin and an implant is placed inside the pocket. The chin will be supported with tape for several days to decrease swelling and prevent build up of fluid. 

Chin implants are one of the most successful surgeries in terms of patient approval. Most people are pleased with their decision to have facial contour procedures such as chin implants. In consulting with their surgeons, patients are able to design the facial proportions that they desire. With good planning and communication between the doctor and patient, the desired outcome is achievable.

Posted on behalf of Benjamin Stong, MD, Kalos Facial Plastic Surgery, LLC 


What Is Facial Liposuction and Liposculpture?

Facial liposuction differs from facial liposculpture, in that, one seeks to rid the cheeks and jaw line (jowls) of extra fat, whereas the other actually seeks to restore or replenish the lost volume of fat in the face. Ironically, both scenarios of either too much fat or not enough fat are mostly age related, depending upon where you fall in the age spectrum.

As gravity weighs down on our facial skin, fat tends to accumulate under our chin and jaw line, creating an unsightly jowl effect or a turkey gobbler neck. With a small suction device, this fat can be removed. However, this is also usually done in conjunction with other facelift procedures as the incisions are similar and, of course, removing the fat does not address the problem of excess skin. The end result of a facial liposuction is a thinner, younger, facial appearance. 

At some point in our aging process, our face develops a hollowed appearance as natural fatty tissues decline. To compensate for these, sometimes, rapid changes, facial fat can be repositioned or restored through facial fat injections. This is called facial liposculpture. This sculpturing process replenishes facial fat volume by taking excess fat from other areas of the body and injecting it into the face through tiny incisions, using contemporary techniques. This rejuvenation process helps to restore the face back to its natural, youthful, appearance. 

Most people tend to begin looking for new ways to enhance their facial features somewhere in their 30’s. As we grow older, our skin changes and loses elasticity. Wherever you may find yourself on this aging spectrum, contact your plastic surgeon for a consultation wherein your individual specific concerns can be addressed.

What is Liposculpture?

While most people are familiar with liposuction, a surgical procedure in which fat is literally vacuumed from the body, they may not have heard of its cousin, liposculpture. Liposculpture is a less invasive technique used by plastic surgeons to remove targeted areas of fat from under the skin to provide a more sculpted, younger look. 

How is it done?  

Developed in the late 20th century by doctors in Europe and Australia, liposculpture uses a technique called the tumescent technique. In this process, the doctor injects a saline solution in the targeted area, which numbs the area and liquidizes the fat to make it easier to remove. The fat is then removed with a small vacuum device. 

What parts of the body can be liposculpted? 

Even with diet and exercise some areas of fat remain stubbornly in place in the neck, cheeks, upper abdomen, buttocks, calves and ankles. Liposculpture can reduce the chubby appearance caused by this excess fat and help bring definition to the treated areas. 

How long is recovery from liposculpture? 

One reason liposculpture is so popular is that it is usually done on an outpatient basis. Patients can typically drive home after the procedure, and recovery takes just several days to a week. Patients can experience swelling and bruising, and sometimes fluid can leak from the injection site. Pain is mild to moderate. 

Are there any risks? 

As with any surgical procedure, there is always the risk of infection or allergic reaction.  Also, depending on your age and the level of collagen in your skin, the skin may not always tighten properly over the treated area, resulting in sagging.

How Old Should You Be When You Get Botox?

Everywhere you look, from the pages of magazines to billboards to movie stars on the red carpet, there is pressure to look young and beautiful – and wrinkle free. It is no wonder more and more young women, sometimes as young as their early 20s or late teens, are seeking anti-aging cosmetic treatments and surgery. Some even believe it will stop or slow the aging process.

Recent controversy has focused on Botox Cosmetic injections. Comprised of a toxin derived from a bacterium that causes the food poisoning botulism, Botox Cosmetic decreases the look of forehead wrinkles and furrows by relaxing certain facial muscles.  The effects, which can be quite striking, last for 3-4 months, at which point your face will return back to its original state. For this reason, many people continue Botox treatments indefinitely once they begin.

The Food and Drug Administration, the government arm that regulates Botox, says it is safe and reliable for cosmetic treatment and typically carries only a few side effects, such as headaches or a little pain at the injection site.  The FDA, however, does not impose any guidelines as far as age, which raises the question: how old should you be to start Botox injections?

There are many reports of doctors turning patients away who are too young. But in doing so, it is not necessarily the age they’re disputing, but the need. In other words, if there are no wrinkles present, there is no need for Botox. A responsible, reputable doctor will not recommend or conduct a procedure if the need isn’t present.

However, wrinkles can indeed start to appear in your 20s and 30s, and Botox works remarkably in smoothing out those wrinkles, giving you a younger appearance. There is also evidence, although mostly anecdotal, that Botox treatments are more effective when started earlier rather than later, when wrinkles are more deeply defined.

Post provided by Benjamin Stong MD


Faces of Honor

It may be hard to believe, but the United States has been at war in Iraq and Afghanistan for more than a decade now. During that time, more than 2.4 million American men and women have been deployed to the region, and according to the Pentagon, more than 48,000 have suffered some sort of physical injury.

Many facial plastic surgeons volunteer their time and expertise in various humanitarian efforts including the Faces of Honor program operated by the American Academy of Facial Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery.  The Faces of Honor program attempts to help repay some of the debt it feels society owes to these veterans for their service and sacrifice.  Co-Chairs of the program Donn R. Chatham, MD, and Ifepo O. Sofolo, MD, FACS say Faces of Honor is simply a way to say “thank you.”

Faces of Honor is not meant to compete with services and treatment already provided by the Department of Defense or the Veteran’s Administration. Rather, it is meant to complement it. Surgeons work on a pro bono basis, performing surgery or serving in a consultative role for those veterans and soldiers who are affected.

To qualify for treatment through the program, a person has to be either an active duty member of the Armed Forces or a veteran of Operation Iraqi Freedom or Operation Enduring Freedom with an honorable discharge.  Further, the person must have sustained a face, head or neck injury during combat or combat support related activity.

If you think you might be eligible for the Faces of Honor program,contact your local facial plastic surgeon or call the American Academy of Facial Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery Foundation.

Post provided by Benjamin Stong MD
