Can Xanthelasma Be Corrected Through Plastic Surgery?

The eyes are such an important feature to the face and for the senses – when a growth detracts from their beauty or function, it can be devastating. Xanthelasma is a condition that can cause fat growths around the eye, even impacting vision as well as the aesthetic appearance of the eye. For many with this condition, plastic surgery can be an option to restore vision and improve appearance for those with xanthelasma.

What Causes Xanthelasma?

The causes of xanthelasma can vary from health conditions to genetics. This fatty bump around the eye is usually yellow in color, usually in or around the corners. It is a build-up of cholesterol under the skin and is more common in those of Mediterranean or Asian descent. Those with liver or heart problems are also more susceptible to this condition. While is may be an aesthetic concern and can impact the vision, it can also be a sign of more serious health issues that should be addressed with a primary physician.

Removal of Xanthelasma

If medical treatment is already being addressed for the cause of xanthelasma, there are options to remove the growth for cosmetic and vision concerns. A plastic surgeon with experience in delicate facial surgery can remove the pocket of fat and discoloration to improve the appearance and function of the eyes. This can help improve the self-confidence of the patient and their appearance while they address any possible health concerns linked to the condition.

If you have xanthelasma and want to explore options for removing the growths, contact a qualified plastic surgeon that offers xanthelasma removal. But it is also important to contact your primary physician to discuss possible causes of these growths that may be impacting your overall health.

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Beverly Hills Center for Plastic & Laser Surgery
120 South Spalding Drive #236
Beverly Hills, CA 90212
(310) 288-0641