How to Prevent and Fade Sunspots

Sun spots or solar lentigines are brown spots that are left on the skin after many years of exposure to the sun. While not harmful, they are equated with aging and many people prefer to not have them on their face, hands or other exposed areas of skin. There are many creams and home remedies that claim to fade sun spots, but do any of them work? Here are some tips on how you can prevent sun spots and fade them once they appear.

  • Wear sunscreen. Sunscreen is your best protection against sun spots. If you only have one or two sun spots, start wearing a higher level of sunscreen to prevent new ones from arriving. Remember that is does not need to be sunny for UV rays to affect your skin.
  • Avoid tanning beds. Many people who have sun spots have also frequented tanning beds. Many people get sun spots at a much younger age due to using tanning beds.
  • Use a moisturizer with retinol. Putting on a good moisturizer with retinol at bedtime can help improve the health of the skin and fade minor sun spots on the skin.
  • Laser treatments. More pronounced sun spots, freckles and other brown spots on the skin can be faded or removed with laser skin resurfacing at your dermatologist. This treatment only takes about 10-15 minutes per session and can be very effective at removing dark-pigmented spots from your skin.

If you want to keep your skin free of sun spots, start protecting your skin from the sun. Visit your dermatologist to learn more about effective products and treatments to fade your existing sun spots.

Posted on behalf of:
Maurice M. Khosh, MD, FACS
580 Park Avenue, Suite 1BE
New York, NY 10065