Will I Have a Scar if I Undergo Breast Augmentation?

Many woman desire fuller or larger breasts. Whether Mother Nature did not bless them with large breasts or their breasts changed as they aged or after having children, breast augmentation can give them the breasts they have wanted. But before undergoing surgery, many women are concerned about how their breasts will look after the procedure. One of the most common questions asked is whether they will have a noticeable scar from their breast augmentation surgery.

The answer to this question is not a simple yes or no. Will they have a scar? Yes. Any time there is an incision made into the skin, scar tissue forms. However, whether the scar will be noticeable is the key point. That will depend on the talent and experience of the plastic surgeon.

There is a specialized method in breast augmentation called the invisible scar technique or IST. This technique is only performed by the most skilled plastic surgeons, but it can be very effective at hiding the scar from breast augmentation. IST uses tiny incisions near the areola to access the breast muscle and fascia tissue. This is where the breast implant is inserted and positioned, usually behind the breast muscle for natural results if the surgeon has the right expertise. A talented breast augmentation surgeon who uses the IST can also ensure the incisions are almost invisible when they heal.

If you are considering breast augmentation, but want to ensure you will not have a visible scar, find an experienced plastic surgeon that uses the invisible scar technique. Experience and expertise are very important in this specialized procedure to get the results that you desire.

Atlanta Plastic Surgery Specialists, P.C.
2001 Peacthree Road #630
Atlanta, GA 30309
(404) 355-3566

What Is the Breast Implant Invisible Scar Technique?

When choosing to undergo breast augmentation, most women want breasts that will look as natural as possible. This includes shape and size, but it also important that the scar is not visible. With any type of breast implant surgery, an incision must be made to insert the implants. Once the skin is cut, a scar will form when it heals. However, talented plastic surgeons can effectively hide this incision and scar so that it is practically invisible.

The Invisible Scar Technique is a specific method for hiding the incision point for breast augmentation. This method is not just about hiding the scar, but effectively inserting the breast implant for the best results. This method uses a puncture incision at the edge of the areola to access the inside breast tissue. The implant can be inserted behind the muscle to give it more support so that it does not sag or move. The small incision is created using a “bloodless” technique so there is less damage to the tissues and skin, allowing for quicker healing and a less noticeable scar.

When the skin is punctured and heals, scar tissue forms. There is no way to avoid scar tissue altogether, but the Invisible Scar Technique makes it almost impossible to see. After several months, the skin is completely healed. When performed by a plastic surgeon that is experienced with this method, the scar is usually undetectable once it is healed, even to the surgeon who performed the procedure.

For the most natural and lasting results when undergoing breast augmentation, seek a plastic surgeon who specializes in the Invisible Scar Technique for breast implants.

Posted on behalf of:
Atlanta Plastic Surgery Specialists, P.C.
2001 Peacthree Road #630
Atlanta, GA 30309
(404) 355-3566

Will I Have a Scar if I Undergo Breast Augmentation?

Many woman desire fuller or larger breasts. Whether Mother Nature did not bless them with large breasts or their breasts changed as they aged or after having children, breast augmentation can give them the breasts they have wanted. But before undergoing surgery, many women are concerned about how their breasts will look after the procedure. One of the most common questions asked is whether they will have a noticeable scar from their breast augmentation surgery.

The answer to this question is not a simple yes or no. Will they have a scar? Yes. Any time there is an incision made into the skin, scar tissue forms. However, whether the scar will be noticeable is the key point. That will depend on the talent and experience of the plastic surgeon.

There is a specialized method in breast augmentation called the invisible scar technique or IST. This technique is only performed by the most skilled plastic surgeons, but it can be very effective at hiding the scar from breast augmentation. the IST breast augmentation procedure uses tiny incisions near the areola to access the breast muscle and fascia tissue. This is where the breast implant is inserted and positioned, usually behind the breast muscle for natural results if the surgeon has the right expertise. A talented breast augmentation surgeon who uses the IST can also ensure the incisions are almost invisible when they heal.

If you are considering breast augmentation, but want to ensure you will not have a visible scar, find an experienced plastic surgeon that uses the invisible scar technique. Experience and expertise are very important in this specialized procedure to get the results that you desire.

Posted on behalf of:
Atlanta Plastic Surgery Specialists, P.C.
2001 Peacthree Road #630
Atlanta, GA 30309