3 Popular Plastic Surgeries for Men

Women are not the only ones who want to look their best. More and more men are choosing to seek the services of a plastic surgeon to look younger or change features for a more attractive appearance. While women are more likely to focus on their eyes or lips for cosmetic facial surgery, men have other features that they are more likely to change. Here are three popular plastic surgeries for men that want to look their best.

  1. Nose job. Rhinoplasty or the nose job has been the most popular facial plastic surgery for men for many years. Changing the shape or size of the nose can create more balance to the face, whether it is repairing an injury or changing a genetic issue.
  2. Chin enhancements. The chin and jaw is important to the masculinity of the male face. Chin implants, chin liposuction and neck lifts can all help create a chiseled, defined jaw and chin. Enhancing the chin can have a dramatic impact on the shape of the face.
  3. Hair transplants. Losing hair is a common issue amongst men and one issue that men are very self-conscious about. Hair transplants done by a plastic surgeon can replace lost hair for a more attractive and youthful appearance.

Men are also more likely to consider face lifts, cosmetic injections and other anti-aging procedures than ever before. The stigma that plastic surgery is mainly for women is now in the past, with many men enjoying the benefits of plastic surgery to look younger and more attractive. If you are interested in male plastic surgery, contact a plastic surgeon that specializes in these popular cosmetic enhancements for men.

Posted on behalf of:
Beverly Hills Center for Plastic & Laser Surgery
120 South Spalding Drive #236
Beverly Hills, CA 90212
(310) 288-0641

Cosmetic Surgery IS For Men

Talk of cosmetic surgery usually coincides with pictures of aging women seeking to regain their former youthfulness. According to the American Society of Plastic Surgeons, there has been a tremendous increase in the amount of males, from all ethnicities, seeking surgical procedures. We’re not just talking about celebrities here. Both men and women want to feel confident in the way that they look. Maintaining respect in the workplace, as well as a competitive edge amongst younger coworkers, is a primary motivator for men of the “baby boomer” generation to invest in cosmetic surgery for men

In seeking a more youthful, refreshed and energetic appearance, similar procedures may be performed in both men and women, but there are subtle differences. Rhinoplasties, for instance, are structured to maintain the masculine appearance of the nose. Brow lifts are considered generally more feminine; whereas, men tend to have heavier eyebrows that are viewed as attractive. Necklifts and facelifts are options for men who are concerned about their “turkey necks” and jowls. Another factor is the thicker skin of the aging male face, which is due to bearded skin, because it can influence scarring and healing. In addition to rhinoplasty, top cosmetic procedures performed on men include liposuction, eyelid surgery, male breast reduction and hair transplants. 

While men still tend to shy away from discussion of such things among themselves, they are just as happy as women with the results. In fact, many men today deem plastic surgery as a good business move. So, contact your local plastic surgeon to help you determine how you, too, can look younger and more vibrant. If cosmetic surgery is not an option that you currently want to explore, there are alternative procedures that can also take years off of a man’s appearance.