Are Your Eyes Making You Look Tired?

Regardless of how you feel, if your eyes have bags underneath them or the upper eyelids droop, you can look like you didn’t get any sleep the night before. Depressions under the eyes create a shadow that is common when you are tired, but often this is occurs when the skin sags or the fat tissue on the upper cheek shifts downward. The upper eyelid skin and tissue can sag, giving the eyes a hooded look that can also make you look sleepy. If you want to look as energetic and youthful as you feel, there are cosmetic options to combat tired eyes.

Eyelid Lifts

One of the most direct approaches to give the eyes a more awake appearance is blepharoplasty or an eyelid lift. On the bottom eyelid, the skin and tissue can be elevated, and excess skin/fat removed to eliminate eye bags; on the top eyelid, the excess skin and fat can be removed to “open” the eye. Either one or both these procedures can help dissipate the tired look from the eyes and make the patient look younger as well.

Upper Cheek Enhancements

If the upper cheek has lost fat or the fat has sagged, it can cause the appearance of bags under the eyes. Replacing the fat that was lost or lifting the fat/tissue to the upper cheek area can reduce eye bags. Fat transfers, dermal fillers or upper cheek implants can be used, or a cheek lift, depending on the patient’s cheek structure and whether they want a surgical or non-surgical approach.

If you are tired of your eyes making you look exhausted or older, schedule a consultation with a qualified facial plastic surgeon or oculoplastic surgeon to discuss the many options to reduce eyebags and drooping on the eyelids to give you a more energetic look.

Posted on behalf of:
Kami Parsa, M.D.
Oculoplastic Surgery
465 N Roxbury Dr. Suite 1011
Beverly Hills, CA 90210
(310) 777-8880