Revision Rhinoplasty

Have you had a nose job that you were not happy with?  Were you initially pleased with the results, but later your nose changed shape in an undesirable way?  If so, you are not alone.  Rhinoplasty is a very complicated procedure and as a result, it has a higher revision rate than most other cosmetic procedures.  Even with the most skilled surgeon, 10 to 15% of rhinoplasty patients decide on a revision. 

There are many reasons why a rhinoplasty revision may be desired or needed.  In most cases, either the appearance of the nose after surgery is unsatisfactory or the nose does not function correctly and breathing is affected. 

If you are pleased with the appearance of your nose following surgery, but your breathing is affected, you should consult with your surgeon about a revision to rectify the problem.  Nasal obstructions can usually be cleared by revision rhinoplasty without affecting the appearance of your nose.

If you are unhappy with the appearance of your nose, consult with your surgeon to find out what you can realistically expect from revision rhinoplasty.  The nose is three dimensional and can heal from surgery in unexpected ways.  Post operative scarring can cause an asymmetrical result or an undesirable bump.  In othere cases, the nose may heal with a concave area at the tip or along the hump.  In most of these cases, a minor revision rhinoplasty procedure can correct the undesirable appearance. 

Also, it is important to remember that the nose can change shape over time.  You may opt to wait for a period of time for additional changes to occur to see if you are more satisfied with the outcome.

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