Say Goodbye to Your Turkey Wattle

Do you wear scarves or clothing to cover your neck? Neck bands and sagging tissue or skin can create the “turkey wattle” that can belie your age. While many cosmetic surgeries and treatments for aging focus on the face, the neck can be a quick giveaway on your true age. Say goodbye to your turkey wattle with a neck lift to create a more youthful appearance below your chin.

What is a Neck Lift?

The infamous turkey wattle is formed by changes in skin, tissue and muscles in the neck area. The platysma muscle that runs from the collar bone up to the jaw can become flaccid or pronounced. Fat can accumulate under the chin and the skin can become thin, saggy and “crepey.” All these changes together create a wrinkled, sagging neck that resembles a turkey’s wattle.

With a neck lift, all these changes to the neck are addressed. The platysma muscle can be tightened, excess fat liposuctioned away and excess skin removed. Small incisions can be made in discrete areas to perform these procedures, ending with a tightening and elevating of the skin and tissues. A neck lift can create an amazing transformation. The result can be a smoother, svelte neck that looks decades younger.

A neck lift is often performed with a facelift for a complete rejuvenation of the neck, chin, jowls and lower face. Both men and women can enjoy a much more youthful appearance with one or both of these procedures.

If you are embarrassed due to a turkey wattle forming on your neck, consult an experienced facial plastic surgeon. A neck lift may be the right procedure to erase many years from your appearance and improve your neck, chin and jawline.

Posted on behalf of:
Maurice M. Khosh, MD, FACS
580 Park Avenue, Suite 1BE
New York, NY 10065

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