Facial Paralysis

There are many different reasons that you may have facial paralysis.  Facial paralysis generally occurs after damage to the facial nerve.  When this nerve is damaged, your face may appear ‘uneven’ and you may not be able to express yourself in the ways that you want.  You may find that this makes you sad or angry, and is causing you to be depressed.  This is a very normal reaction to facial paralysis.

There are procedures to help correct this.  Depending on the cause of your facial paralysis, either dynamic or static facial reconstruction can be done.  Sometimes, a combination of both may be performed.

Dynamic procedures will help you become ‘reanimated’.  This means that you will have an even smile, or an even eyebrow lift when you are surprised.  Static procedures help keep your face even when you are at rest.  One of the most important considerations with facial paralysis is your eyes, eyesight, and eyelid.  Sometimes consultation with an eye surgeon is also necessary to help correct your facial paralysis.

It may take a long time after facial paralysis surgery to see results, and may require several different procedures.  Muscles may need to be moved from one part of the body to the face, to help achieve appropriate muscle movement.  Specialized exercises may be prescribed after the surgery to help aid in the healing, and you may need to wear a specially designed facial mask or eye shield, depending on the type of surgery.  Long term results are often very successful, and clients are happy with their overall results.  Many times, insurance companies will help cover a portion of facial paralysis corrective surgeries.

To see if you are a candidate for facial paralysis corrective surgery, contact your local facial plastic surgeon today.

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