Is Teen Rhinoplasty Safe?

When it comes to teen plastic surgery, rhinoplasty or the “nose Job” is the procedure most requested. Teens are notoriously self-conscious of their appearance, and living with a nose that is unappealing may seem like a tough cross to bear. However, rhinoplasty is a complicated surgery and involves transforming a crucial element of the face. The question is, when is it safe for teens to have rhinoplasty?

Factors to Consider with Teen Rhinoplasty

All teens mature at different rates. Some girls may be their full adult height at 15, while some boys may continue sprouting up until they are 18 and beyond. Emotional maturity also varies, and both physical and emotional maturity should be considered when determining whether a teen is ready for rhinoplasty, along with other factors:

  • Physical changes. The face continues to grow and change during the teen years. It is important to ensure that rhinoplasty will not impact the growth centers within the face. Plus, if the face changes, the nose may look out of place when they are adults.
  • Emotional readiness. It is common for a teenager to dislike a feature on their face or body, then embrace it as part of their uniqueness later in life. It is important to ensure this is not just a passing phase.
  • Sports and injury. Rhinoplasty does require downtime to heal, and may require teens avoid certain activities like contact sports for several weeks to avoid injury.

While there is not one set age that is safe for teen rhinoplasty, most teenagers can have rhinoplasty by the age of 16. However, it is important to discuss all the factors with an experienced plastic surgeon to ensure it is the right time or procedure for the individual.

Posted on behalf of:
Beverly Hills Center for Plastic & Laser Surgery
120 South Spalding Drive #236
Beverly Hills, CA 90212
(310) 288-0641

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