Four Reasons People Choose to Get a Chin Implant

When you think of facial plastic surgery procedures, the chin may not be the feature you first consider. Rhinoplasty, or the “nose job,” is one of the most popular options, along with facelifts, eye lifts or lip augmentation. However, enhancing the chin can have a substantial impact on the overall appearance of a face, drastically changing their profile and facial balance. Here are four reasons people choose to undergo chin implant plastic surgery.

  1. Weak chin. The most obvious reason to get a chin implant is when you have a weak, receding or undefined chin. For those whose chin slants into their neck, a chin implant can improve their profile.
  2. Defined neck. Chin implants are often combined with a neck lift or neck liposuction to define the neck for a more youthful appearance. The implant lifts the chin and creates a distinct jaw line to improve the neck area.
  3. Balance the face. A beautiful face is not due to one feature, but a combination and balance of the features. A chin implant can lengthen the face for balance, improving the overall attractiveness of the face.
  4. Reconstruction. If injury or trauma has occurred to the jaw, a chin implant may be part of the reconstruction process to rebuild the chin and jaw.

If you have a weak, receding or unremarkable chin, adding a chin implant can define your jaw line and neck area while balancing your facial features. Seek a consultation with an experienced plastic surgeon that specializes in genioplasty or chin implants to determine whether this procedure could offer the aesthetic change to your appearance you desire.

Posted on behalf of:
Atlanta Plastic Surgery Specialists, P.C.
2001 Peacthree Road #630
Atlanta, GA 30309
(404) 355-3566

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