Are You Ready for a Liquid Face Lift?

Aging is a fact of life, one that many people dread. The face is often the first place you begin to notice the changes that age can bring. Both men and women begin to see wrinkles around their features, especially their eyes and mouth. Frown lines form on the forehead, bags can appear under the eyes and your lips can thin. All these little changes make you look older, changing you from the youthful person you once were into an older version of yourself.

So what can be done to slow this process? Time will not stop and you will eventually age, but there are non-invasive options to slow down your aging. If you are not ready or willing to pursue surgical cosmetic procedures, a liquid face lift can address many of the first signs of aging.

A liquid face lift uses different injectable cosmetics to help diminish those lines and wrinkles that make you look older. Injectable fillers can plump thin lips, smooth wrinkles and erase some age lines. Other injectables like Botox can be used to relax muscles that cause frown lines between your brows, taking years off your face.

The advantages of a liquid face lift are that is requires little to no down time and the results can last 1-2 years. In an afternoon, you have the procedure completed, often with only a little redness at the injection areas. Within days the results are apparent, yet subtle enough that most people will not even realize you had a procedure. You will just look more like you did a few years ago!

If the signs of age on your face are bothering you, consult a cosmetic surgeon on the possibility of a liquid face lift. It could be just the enhancement you need to boost your self-confidence and slow down the process of looking older.

Posted on behalf of:
Beverly Hills Center for Plastic & Laser Surgery
120 South Spalding Drive #236
Beverly Hills, CA 90212
(310) 288-0641

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