Breast Lift or Augmentation: Which is Right for You?

Many women undergo plastic surgery to enhance the appearance of their breasts. Most people assume that if a women is having surgery on her breasts that they are having an augmentation. However, many women are not interested in making their breasts larger or changing the shape, but just want to lift their breasts for a younger, more youthful appearance. If you have been contemplating improving the appearance of your breasts, consider the benefits of a breast lift before adding more size to your breasts. 

What is a Breast Lift?

While an augmentation adds size to breasts with the addition of implants, breast lifts work with the existing breast tissue, addressing excess skin that has caused the breast to sag or droop. Age, pregnancy, breast feeding and weight fluctuations can all impact the skin holding your breasts in place. A breast lift essentially tightens this skin and pushes the breasts back up to their original position, giving you back the perkier breasts of your youth. 

Breast Augmentation

If you are looking to increase the size or change the shape of your breasts, you most likely will want to pursue a breast augmentation. Not everyone that receives a breast augmentation is looking for large breasts. Many only want to enhance the shape, with a slight increase in size. Of course, there is always the option to add more size if that is your preference. 

If changing the appearance of your breasts is on your agenda, take the time to consult a plastic surgeon that specializes in both breast lifts and augmentations. They can go over the pros and cons of both procedures, helping you determine which option will give you the results you want.

Posted on behalf of:
Atlanta Plastic Surgery Specialists, P.C.
2001 Peacthree Road #630
Atlanta, GA 30309


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