
Men and women alike are often unhappy with the appearance of their nose and want to improve it by getting a “nose job”.  Actually the correct terminology is rhinoplasty, which can dramatically impact the appearance of any nose by removing a hump, altering the angle of the upper lip and nose, altering the tip of the nose, reducing the width of the nostrils, increasing or decreasing the size and modifying the bridge of the nose. 

During the initial consultation, the surgeon will determine if the procedure will be a revision, open or closed rhinoplasty.  The determination is based upon the patient’s previous cosmetic surgery, as well as the patients desired results and the experience of the highly trained surgeon.  Revision rhinoplasty is performed on patients who have previously undergone the procedure, but were unhappy with the results. 

During an open structure rhinoplasty, there is a small incision made on the outside of the nose on the columella, which is the part of the nose that divides the nostrils.  This is the best way for the surgeon to gain the best access to the structures within the nose.  In closed rhinoplasty, which is also known as endonasal, incisionless or scarless rhinoplasty, the surgeon makes the incisions on the inside of the nose, so there are no visible external incisions.  However, there are limitations to what can be accomplished with closed rhinoplasty and it requires a highly experienced surgeon to perform the procedure correctly! 

There is no need to live with a nose that you are unhappy with when a highly trained cosmetic surgeon can transform the appearance of your nose thru various rhinoplasty techniques!

Revision Rhinoplasty

Have you had a nose job that you were not happy with?  Were you initially pleased with the results, but later your nose changed shape in an undesirable way?  If so, you are not alone.  Rhinoplasty is a very complicated procedure and as a result, it has a higher revision rate than most other cosmetic procedures.  Even with the most skilled surgeon, 10 to 15% of rhinoplasty patients decide on a revision. 

There are many reasons why a rhinoplasty revision may be desired or needed.  In most cases, either the appearance of the nose after surgery is unsatisfactory or the nose does not function correctly and breathing is affected. 

If you are pleased with the appearance of your nose following surgery, but your breathing is affected, you should consult with your surgeon about a revision to rectify the problem.  Nasal obstructions can usually be cleared by revision rhinoplasty without affecting the appearance of your nose.

If you are unhappy with the appearance of your nose, consult with your surgeon to find out what you can realistically expect from revision rhinoplasty.  The nose is three dimensional and can heal from surgery in unexpected ways.  Post operative scarring can cause an asymmetrical result or an undesirable bump.  In othere cases, the nose may heal with a concave area at the tip or along the hump.  In most of these cases, a minor revision rhinoplasty procedure can correct the undesirable appearance. 

Also, it is important to remember that the nose can change shape over time.  You may opt to wait for a period of time for additional changes to occur to see if you are more satisfied with the outcome.

What to Expect After Rhinoplasty Surgery

After your nose revision surgery (or rhinoplasty surgery), you will be sent to the recovery area and later you will go home.  Most people go home the same day.  You will have a splint in place over your nose, and your nose may feel tender and bruised.  Bruising around the nose and under the eyes is common after rhinoplasty surgery. 

When you arrive in the recovery room, it may feel as if you can’t breathe through your nose.  Your nose may have packing in it.  To make sure that you are receiving enough air, you may have a monitor on your finger recording your oxygen levels.  Your mouth may become very dry from breathing through your mouth during this time.  There may also be some drainage that gives you a funny taste in your mouth.  You may brush your teeth as often as needed to help with this funny taste or swish and swallow water or mouth wash to help.

You may also have an ice pack or cold compress on your face and nose.  This will help decrease the swelling associated with the surgery.  You should use this compress as directed, and continue to use it at home for the first week or two weeks after surgery.

You will wear a splint after surgery for one to two weeks.  Do not remove the splint unless instructed to do so, and do not blow your nose.  You may feel ‘stuffy’ after rhinoplasty surgery.  Talk to your surgeon is this becomes severe, as he can help you with some medications.  It may take several weeks for the majority of the swelling to go down, but then the ‘new nose’ can make its public appearance!

Are You a Good Candidate for Rhinoplasty?

Rhinoplasty surgery is nose reshaping.  It is designed for noses that are too wide, too small, have bumps, or are otherwise in need of reshaping.  Rhinoplasty surgery can also change the tip of the nose, and correct congenital defects in the nares and nose itself.  Rhinoplasty surgery can also be used to help correct breathing problems after an injury.  In some cases, rhinoplasty surgery is covered by health care insurance.

Rhinoplasty surgery takes about one to two hours, and is generally performed in an outpatient setting.  Individuals who are good candidates for rhinoplasty surgery include people who simply don’t like the appearance of their noses, or who have problems breathing because of the shape and size of their nose. 

One of the most important things to remember about rhinoplasty is that the nose can be reshaped, and add a sense of balance to the face that was missing before.  However, no nose is ‘perfect’.  The best corrections are those that allow some personality to shine through so that the individual continues to be individualized! 

Rhinoplasty is designed to improve deformities of the nose, but cannot improve the entire appearance of the face.  For this reason, people who seem to do best with rhinoplasty surgery are those that have reasonable expectations and have a good general outlook on life.  Teenagers should be finished growing before any type of corrective surgery is performed. 

Rhinoplasty surgery can be paired with other facial cosmetic procedures to provide improvement to more than one area.  If this is an option that you are interested in exploring, be sure to discuss it with your plastic surgeon prior to your procedure.